Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mount Meru

Mount Meru - Hell and Paradise on One Mountain

Mount Meru (or Sumeru, gold Shumisen) is a huge, golden sacred mountain in the center of our universe qui supports the heavens and passes through the center of the Earth-or at least this is what the ancient Hindu texts state. Furthermore, the supreme gods Brahma, Siva, Vishnu and the Devas (gods Hindu half) lies on the top of this mountain. Many temples and ancient squares Were model After Their abode on Mount Meru, Including Angkor Wat.      
Selon the ancient texts , the mountain is Supposed to tower at a height of more than 1,000,000 km and is gold in color-which of course is regarded to be allegorical. Different levels of 'heavens' corresponds to different heights, and different deities are Said to live on the different levels. Similarly, the levels of mountain inside the Earth corresponds to multiple levels of Hell. Mount Meru is guarded at the four cardinal point by four celestial Guardians Who defends the world by keeping away the fallen gods (the Asuras ) -similar to the fighting we see in Greek mythology with the Titans and the Olympians-and in order for humans to They approach the mountain Would need to-have permission from the mountain Itself.      
A few scholars-have tried to locate the mountain as a physical mountain-high probably has one judging from the fact que la que la ancient Greeks Believed Highest Mountain of Greece (Olympus) Was Where the Greek gods abide. One speculation point to Mount Pamirs in north east of Kashmir. Other scholars base the rent on the reference to the mountain being white site location is the center of the earth and Mt. Meru-have speculated That May exist at the North Pole. Japanese Buddhist traditions aussi mention Mount Meru and Provide a map from the 16th century CE qui Locates the mountain somewhere in the Himalayan Range of mountains.    
In the Buddhist mythology, Mount Meru exists at the same time in Both the physical and the spiritual plane, and the golden palace of the gods Is located on top. It is Surrounded by seven rings of golden mountains contents, each separated from Each Other by sea, and the mountain Separates Itself 4 continents hand, one of qui est inhabited by the mythical kingdom of Shambhala . It is interesting to mention here That's on the Mercator Map of the North Pole APPEAR 4 continents separated with water and with a mountain entre em-which of course Does not rule out the possibility que la Region mapped Was selon legends.     
A Heavily guarded mountain with multidimensional existence, connections to the stars and to the center of the earth, and the residence of the supreme gods Obviously Such a mountain-couldn't exist in reality. Possibly Could it be a real mountain just high enough to trigger people's imagination by Exaggerating icts height, or it can be a form of energy emanating from a place That Could extend Throughout the heavens in a golden color? The hypothesis of it being white site location is the North Pole is plausible Certainly, Especially if we take into account the old maps. We also shoulds not forget the likeness of Mount Meru with Mount Olympus.  

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