Friday, May 17, 2013

Aphrodisiac Herbs-sexual power

Aphrodisiac Herbs
Latin name
Common name

Alhagi maurorum

Arabian Manna, Hebrew Manna, Duralabha, Taranjabin, Yavasa, Javasa
Sweetish bitter extract of the plant (known as yavasarkar) acts as aphrodisiac and restorative when taken with milk; the manna or the sweet exudation on leaves and branches (known as taranjabin) is given with milk as restorative, aphrodisiac, blood purifier and cholagogue (promotes flow of bile); fresh juice in combination with aromatics used for relieving suppression of urine, and used as snuff as a remedy for migraine  

Alpinia galanga

Greater Galangal, Siamese Ginger, Barakalijan
Aromatic rhizomes aphrodisiac, stimulant, tonic, reported to be useful for impotency, nervous debility and as an aphrodisiac; recommended for the treatment of diabetes; rhizome has disinfectant properties and used as a deodorant of foul smell in the mouth; seeds have the same medicinal uses as rhizome; leaves and rhizome contain essential oil: methyl cinnamate, cineol and    d-pinene  

Amaranthus polygamus

Prince’s Feather, Chundisag, Cholai-bhajee
Leaves, root and seed are powerful aphrodisiac and given in impotency; also cooling and demulcent and used for promoting intestinal and urinary discharges  

Areca catechu

Areca-nut, Supari
Nut as aphrodisiac and nervine tonic; also prescribed in calculous affection and urinary disorder; nut contains the alkaloids arecaine, arecoline, arecaidine, guvacine, the most important being arecoline  

Asparagus racemosus






A. racemosus var. javanicus


Adds Kenders, Satavar

Satavari, Devbadni
Tuberous roots nervine, cardiac and ophthalmic tonic used to treat seminal debility, impotency, pulmonary and urinary complaints and ulcers on tongue

Roots aphrodisiac; also cures diabetes

Basella rubra

Poi, Potki
Leaves seminal tonic, blood purifier, sedative and improve mood  

Bombax ceiba

Aphrodisiac, tonic, cures impotency, sexual weakness, night pollution, atrophy, debility and increases vitality; also cures anaemia, acne, pimples, leprosy and skin diseases  

Ceiba pentandra

Kapok Tree, White Cotton Tree, Safed Samel
Gum that exudes from trunk is used as a tonic, alterative and aphrodisiac and is a valuable remedy for impotency; powdered gum with milk is given as a tonic to cure impotency; roots are stimulant, tonic; their juice is highly valued as a cure for diabetes. 

Chlorophyton arundinaceum,

C. tuberosum

Safed musli
Roots aphrodisiac tonic to treat impotency and debility: “A touch with this plant can bring an errant wife back to her husband”

Cocos nucifera
Coconut Palm, Nariyel
Improves sexual potency and fertility (fruits, embryo); coconut water or milk found in young fruits contain albumin and is used as a blood purifier, refrigerant, cooling and nutritive tonic given in malnutrition, general debility and urinary disorders; other properties described under Refreshing Herbs

Convolvulus paniculatus
Barahi Kand, Bidari
Restorative aphrodisiac and tonic, diuretic  
Curculigo orchioides
Kali musli
Aphrodisiac tonic, cures impotency, epilepsy, asthma and blindness 

Eulophia campestris
E. dabia
E. herbacea
Terrestrial orchids;
Solam-misri, Bansinghara
Aphrodisiac, blood purifier, appetizer, tonic, cures impotency, sex debility, cardiac and pulmonary problems (pseudo bulbs, tubers)
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Liquorice, Mulhatti
Root is aphrodisiac, sweet and nutritive; a popular household remedy for cough, bronchitis and other chest complaints, sore throat and hoarseness of voice; also useful in hypertension, cardiac asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, duodenal ulcers; widely used in cough medicines, throat lozenges and as sweetener in chocolates, chewing gums, candies, baked food, and for flavouring cigarettes, chewing and snuff tobacco; its important constituent isglycyrrhizic acid or glycyrrhizin  
Lepidium sativum
Garden Cress, Chausur
Seed aphrodisiac, stimulant, alterative, tonic, blood purifier; given as tonic prepared by boiling the seeds in milk for treatment of impotency; in general debility a confection made of the seeds with clarified butter and sugar is a popular remedy  
Mucuna prurita
(= M. pruriens)
Cowhage, kevatch, Goncha, Kaunch
Seed and root aphrodisiac, nervine tonic, used to treat impotency, seminal debility, spermatorrhea, madness, facial paralysis, hemiplegia and kidney troubles; remarkable biological activity as hypoglycaemic  
Pedalium murex
Bada Gokhru, Gokara
Aphrodisiac, tonic for sex vigour and impotency; increases sperm formation and their vitality and cures nocturnal seminal emissions (leaves, stem & fruits) – edible vegetable  

Salmalia malabarica

Semal Tree, Silk-cotton Tree, Semal, Shewa
Stem bark and gum are aphrodisiac, tonic in seminal weakness; fruits also effective in weakness of the genital organs  

Sida cordifolia

Mahot balais, Country Mallow, Kungyi, Khireti, Mahabala
Seed and root aphrodisiac, tonic for improving sexual strength, cures impotency, seminal debility and spermatorrhea; root is cooling, sedative, nervous and cardiac tonic; used in insanity, paralysis, facial paralysis and hemiplegia; whole  plant, especially the seed, contains the alkaloid ephedrine; reputed as one of the most valuable medicinal plants by Ayurvedic and Yunani practitioners  

Strychnos nux-vomica

Nux-vomica, Strychnine Tree, Kajra, Kuchla
Ripe seed and its alkaloid strychnine are aphrodisiac, stimulant, tonic and much used for impotency, sexual debility and spermatorrhea; described under General Tonic Herbs  
Tamarindus indica
Tamarind, Imli
Seeds aphrodisiac and cardiac tonic; fruit pulp and flowers are appetizing, refrigerant, antiseptic and excellent corrective for bilious disorders and also an effective gargle in sore throat; other properties described under Refreshing Herbs  
Tinospora cordifolia
Heart-leaved Moonseed, Giloe, Ambarvel
Leaves and stem aphrodisiac, alterative, tonic for sexual strength, impotency, sexual debility, spermatorrhea,  nocturnal seminal emission, and jaundice (as hepatic stimulant); as a general tonic the fresh juice taken with milk is very useful; reputed as one of the most valuable medicinal plants by Ayurvedic and Yunani practitioners.

Tribulus terrestris
Calthrops, Ikshugandha,
Chhota Gokru, Gokru, Trikanta
Whole plant, especially seed most important ingredient of Ayurvedic preparation as aphrodisiac, cooling, alterative, tonic and diuretic; used to treat impotency, seminal weakness, spermatorrhea, gonorrhoea, urinary complaints and painful micturition; used for centuries in Europe as remedy for
impotence and sexual stimulant in both men and women; other properties described under Refreshing Herbs  

Vanilla fragrans

 (= V. planifolia)
Fruits (beans) aphrodisiac and brain stimulant; vanilla favour used primarily in ice creams, chocolate, liquors, perfumes and pharma – and nutra-ceutical preparations  
Withania somnifera
Winter Cherry, Ashvagandha, Asgandh
Roots aphrodisiac, rejuvenating tonic, useful for sexual strength and general senile or seminal debility, cure sterility in women if taken for a few days soon after the menstrual period; hypnotic to treat epilepsy and insanity; roots contain the alkaloidsomniferine  
Wrightia tinctoria
Pala Indigo plant
Seed Aphrodisiac; decoction of leaves and bark is stomachic; flowers & fruits yield a blue dye  
Zehneria umbellate
Mokri, Gawal Kakru
Dried roots (2 g a day) with milk given in seminal debility and spermatorrhea; ripe fruits as digestive tonic and stomachic

Zizyphus jujuba,
Z. mauritiana
Indian Plum, Chinese Date, Ber
Seed kernels aphrodisiac; edible fruits rich in vitamin C and contain many rare minerals; fruits reputed to be good blood purifier and digestive  
Dioscorea floribunda

Diosgenin (a kind of saprogenins) extracted from Dioscorea used as raw material for industrial production of corticosteroids, including cortisone as oral contraceptive;cortisone used in preparation of sex hormones and in treatment of rheumatic arthritis, asthma, nephritis, shock and allergic manifestations; diosgenin & its b-isomer are most important commercially  
Other aphrodisiac herbs:
Abutilon indicum (Indian Mallow, Karandi, Petari):  seed aphrodisiac
Abrus precatorius (Bead Tree): described under Cardiac Tonic Herbs
Acacia arabica  (Babul, Kikar): bark & gum aphrodisiac; described under General TonicHerbs
Albizzia lebbek (Siris): flowers seminal tonic; described under Refreshing Herbs
Allium sativum (Garlic): described under General Tonic Herbs
Butea monosperma (Bengal Kino, Dhak): described under Anti-diabetic Herbs
Coriandrum sativum (Coriander, Dhania): described under General Tonic Herbs
Crocus sativus (Saffron, Kesar): described under General Tonic Herbs
Hygrophila auriculata (Talmakhana): described under Anti-cancer Herbs
Moringa oleifera (Ben Tree, Sonjana): described under Anti-cancer Herbs
Phoenix dactylifera (Date, Khajur): described under General Tonic Herbs
Psoralea coryfolia (Bawachi): described under Anti-AIDS Herbs
Saussurea lappa (Costus, Kot): described under General Tonic Herbs
Trigonella foenum-graceum (Fenugreek, Methi): described under General Tonic Herbs

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