Friday, December 20, 2013

ancient sex


In ancient times, the Egyptians were pretty sexually savvy unlike the Western world. Many methods used in ancient times are still are very popular today. Our modern advances in medicine are not as innovative as we think. Egyptians were the first to have specialized medicine where every doctor was responsible for only one disease. By dissecting humans prior to embalming their dead, they knew human anatomy and understood how the body functioned. Realizing that the uterus was important during pregnancy, they understood that sex caused conception. Hence, they began to use similar contraceptive techniques used today to block ovulation. Plant extracts were found that when ingested, altered female hormonal balance working just like our contraceptive pills today. Farmers also fed these plants to their cattle to reduce the number of offspring.440 BC, Herodotus, a prominent ancient Greek historian

Barriers were inserted into the vagina to block sperm.. Lint was mixed with honey and the sap from an Acacia tree. The sap killed sperm, the lint provided a a barrier, and they honey kept the lint firmly in place in the vagina. Sperm was also killed with sour milk mixed with water from the Egyptian lakes. The minerals in the lake broke down the sperm and the sour milk made the vagina more acid thus killing sperm. To prevent being raped, crocodile dung was placed in the vagina chasing away potential sexual predators.
Ancient pregnancy tests were done by putting some urine on barley and wheat. If the barley grew a boy would be born, if the wheat grew it would be a girl. If neither grew, there was no pregnancy. Another way to test for pregnancy, was to put an onion into the vagina. The next day, If the woman’s breath had the odor of an onion they knew they were pregnant. The sulfur compound in onion was absorbed by the swollen uterine arteries and carried to the mouth resulting in an onion breath. By 1886, A French Dr. Chadwick found that merely looking at the labial lips was a positive sign of pregnancy. The vagina and labia have the bluish coloration during early pregnancy because of venous congestion.
Impotence was also treated with topical application of plant extracts. A magic mantra was chanted when the medicine was applied that cured all mental traumas.
To prevent infestation, men and women shaved almost all their body hair. Since marriage occurred at the age of 13, and adultery was immoral, relationships remain monogamous. Many methods have been used hundreds of years and still are very popular and are continued to this day. Our modern advances in medicine are not as innovative as we think. In ancient times, the Egyptians were pretty sexually savvy unlike the Western world Ancient Egyptians were the first to have specialized medicine. Every doctor was responsible for only one disease. By dissecting humans prior to embalming their dead, they had an advanced knowledge of anatomy and understood how the body functions, 
440 BC, Herodotus, a prominent ancient Greek historian
For thousands of years fertility has been controlled by crocodile dung and honey to today’s contraceptive pills. To prevent infection, men and women shaved almost all their body hair. Since marriage occurred at the age of 13, and adultery was immoral, relationships remain monogamous.
Barriers-- Throughout history, women used various substances to block semen from the uterus. Vegetable seedpods were used in Africa, crushed grass and roots were used in Africa, seaweed moss and bamboo were used in Japan, and MT have said of pomegranates were used in ancient Greece.Olive oil was considered both a lubricant and a contraceptive, Along with wool, white lead, for vaginal suppositories to clog and shut down the entry of sperm.Barriers were used as lemon juice, okay Chet tree, led ointments, salt, cabbage, onion juice, peppermint oil and soft wool were all quite ascetic or alkaline and afforded some protection.

Barriers were inserted into the vagina with spermatozoa. Lint was mixed with honey and the sap from and an Acacia tree. The sap was spermicidal, though latent acted as a barrier, and honey maintain the lint’s position. Sour milk was mixed with water from the Egyptian lakes. The minerals in the lake broke down the sperm and the sour milk increase the vaginas acidity killing sperm.

In ancient times, when the man was about to ejaculate, the women held her breath drew back a little so the seed would be spilled. Immediately she would get up, squat , induce sneezing, wipe the entire vagina, and drink something cold. Other methods used were using amulets, gaining weight, spitting into mouse of frogs, eating bees, being passive during sex, and jumping backwards several times.
Crocodile dung with a mixture of honey and sodium bicarbonate as a gum. They would melt at body temperature and cover the cervix. U
In Africa also bamboo tissue paper were used by Japanese prostitutes, wool by Arabs, linen rags by Slavic women.
Herbal Oral contraceptives according to Greek myth, Persephone, the goddess of spring, refused to eat anything but pomegranate seeds after she was stolen from her mother, Demeter, the goddess of agriculture; raped by the god of death; and kidnapped to the underworld. She only ate pomegranate seeds because it was the first oral contraceptive.

The Egyptians knew the uterus was important during pregnancy and that sex But resulted in conception. Consequently, they used contraceptive techniques similar to those today. To block ovulation, plant extracts were ingested that altered the body’s hormonal balance just like our contraceptive pills today. Potions were used with finely ground leaves of will, the root (warped, panic couple ounces of potters Clay four days after menstruation to prevent conception. The firm root was placed in sweet tasting wine, along with cabbage blossoms after intercourse. Cyreanic sap.the size of a pea was placed in two glasses of diluted wine. Menstrual blood was spread over the labia, and asparagus was drunk.
Wild carrot, The seeds from Queen Anne's Lace, has been used as an oral contraceptive since Hippocratic times to prevent and terminate pregnancies. The seeds interfere with implantation if taken directly after intercourse.

The ancients in Greece and Egypt used a plant called Silphium, that block implantation of fertilized eggs.
The Australians found that when sheep were eating in Clover fields, they did not reproduce. The Clover had a high level of estrogen creating a birth control device.
Recently wild carrot seeds have been used as a herbal contraceptive making the endometrium unsuitable for implantation. The Menstrual-regulating qualities of rue, pennyroyal, and other herbs was widespread - Wild yam, a climbing perennial, was used as a contraceptive in North America. It prevented conception by inhibiting ovulation and thickening the food in the cervix reducing sperm mobility.
Ancient Greek women celebrated the use of four plants: pomegranate, pennyroyal, pine, and vitex,(known as "chaste-tree)." All of these plants are known to have contraceptive benefits, Various fruits and plants protect against pregnancy. Eating take a leap of paella was good contraception. The enzyme, papain, interacts with progesterone to prevent pregnancy. 

Decreasing libido
 Would you want to have sex if: a Weasel’s testes were strapped to the girls legs as birth control., The dung from crocodiles was mixed with honey and place in the vagina., moonshine was mixed with beaver balls and drank by the man before sex,.,, A lizard drowned in a man’s urine, the testes of a gamecock rubbed with goose grease, and the testes of a “dunghill cock” along with his blood, all served as desensitizing anti-aphrodisiac. To prevent rape, crocodile dung was placed in the vagina deterring potential sexual partners.
Contraceptive amulets were used: cats liver in a tube,was placed on the left foot, the testicles of a cat were placed around the belly button, and a child’s tooth was placed in an amulet. Egyptian papyruses Showed that impotence was treated with topical application of plant extracts. A magic mantra was chanted when the medicine was applied. This cured all psychological disorders.
Spermicides Douches were used with alum and wine and sea water. Vinegar and lemon solutions was used before and after intercourse. Douching immediately after intercourse was irrational idea to clean out the sperm out of the vagina but it actually spread semen towards the cervix. Chinese also had a way of massage to remove sperm from vaginas.
A tree in India,Neem, was used as a topical spermicide taken internally by both men and women to prevent pregnancy. The leaf tablets cause reverse male sterility when adjusted for one month. ` Lactic acid was used in mixtures of dates, bark, and honey to make the vagina has more acid and thus kill sperm.
, a half of the lemon was inserted into the vagina as a cervical, drinking lead water before sex would prevent pregnancy, douching with Coca-Cola a carbonated sugar would turn the vagina into a slippery caffeinated spermicidal..
Pregnancy tests Urine pregnancy tests were performed by placing some urine on barley and wheat. If the barley grew a boy would be born, if the wheat grew it would be a girl. If neither grew there was no pregnancy. Another radical pregnancy test was to put an onion into the vagina. If the woman’s breath had the odor of an onion the next day a pregnancy was present. The onions sulfur compounds were absorbed in swollen uterine arteries resulting in an onion breath. As a sexual, In 1886 a French doctor noted that the vagina and labia have the bluish coloration during early pregnancy because of venous congestion. (Chadwick sign).
Abortion techniques
 Abortions often resulted in fatality to the mothers. Herbal formulations were used to start an abortion and oxo toxic herbs were used to start uterine contractions. Emmenagogues include vitamin C, ginger and pennyroyal, oxytocic herbs include blue cohosh root and angelica. For abortions, violent exercises were used along with injections of warm oil, linseed, wormwood, cucumber, and balm drugs. Aerobic exercises of horseback riding jumping and carrying heavy loads was suggested. Diuretics as asparagus and laxatives were recommended to bring on menstruation. All of the above were used as oral contraceptives except linseed. Poison beans as Lupine, worm wood, sulfur, myrrh, and matom were used.To prevent rape, crocodile dung was placed in the vagina deterring potential sexual partners.
Vaginal suppositories Suppositories were made with olive oil and honey to reduce the amount of sperm going into the vagina. Sometimes suppositories were made with cloth soaked in vinegar that killed the sperm because of this acidity. London sold cocoa butter suppositories with vitamin C tablets inserted into them The first suppository was developed made of cocoa butter and quinine sulfate. Egyptian women used acidic vaginal suppositories lubricated with honey and oil to kill sperm. Patient women use an oiled paper over the cervix, and Europeans used beeswax. A sponge was used as contraception being cut 1 in.² and soaked in brandy as the spermicidal along with a silk cord attached for easy removal.
Vaginas were douched with cedar oil, lead ointment, or frankincense mixed with olive oil. Vaginal suppositories were made of peppermint, or sickelwort mixed with honey.
Indians used rock salt soaked in oil for birth control. Later clarified butter and pili shed tree seeds were used along with elephant dung and water. The mixture was often sweetened with honey later.
Condoms The word condom is derived from the Latin condon, feeding receptacle. They were made of animal intestines and reduce sexually transmitted infections.. Male condoms were made of a lubricated linen cloth,, or animal intestines. Since they were expensive and hard to obtain, they were washed in use over and over.
Some women used arsenic and mercury and other toxic substances to abort themselves. Condoms were used – composed of sausage skins, Linen sheets, and a helmet of tortoise shells. Others were made from pig intestines, soaked before and warm milk, and a sticky wad of opium was put in the vagina The Chinese use fish fat as a form of condoms along with “oil paper” cloth mesh, and sponge stuff Into the vagina female condoms. Female condoms were used by Africans and made of hollow out okra pods, and the Romans used gold splatters. Even gold balls were inserted into the vagina as female condoms.
IUDs Arabic traders inserted tiny stones into the uteri of camels on long journeys.
to avoid pregnancy, the modern IUD. Objects were inserted into the vagina to stop pregnancy. Devices of silkworm gut and ring-shaped devices of gut, gold and silver were inserted. All led to some infections. It seems the string aided in infections, and was eliminated by crap in Berg by placing a ring-shaped IUD calls the G ring into the uterus. A Lippes Loop was invented after the pill and was very successful. This was followed by a tall conical shaped like a shield to prevent expulsion. And searching that removal was somewhat painful and the string was porous and allowed bacteria into the uterus. Later a copper key IUD, called pro-justice served was on the market. And you have these led to legal problems. Finally,the Mirena approved in 2000 delivered a small amount of progestin directly into the uterus, And lasting five years, reduces heavy bleeding . Today many people use the implants, Norplant, birth control pills, Depo-Provera and injectable progestational contraceptive.

The rhythm method was used once it was discovered that women populate only once a month.
The Serbian women with dip their fingers in the first bathwater of the infant. A combination of seeds leaves and roots were used as liquid out of him, whining, and cups of beer.
Prolonged breast-feeding -- Prolonged lactation with breast-feeding made pregnancy less likely. Breast-feeding was encouraged for nine months to prevent ovulation. And ancient times, affluent women hired wet nurses to breast-feed their children, Scented air appeared with their lifestyles and clean towels milk was difficult to get. This resulted in more affluent women having more children than for women. Wet nurses nursed their own children as well as other women’s infants and toddlers and were forced to nourish their own children with cows milk withholding their own milk from their own children. There was not enough milk score around and many children were malnourished. The French wet nurses lived in their employer’s homes instead of their own homes. In the South, Afro-American slaves were welcomed to breast-feed to avoid breeding for their plantation owners and slaves. If they didn’t breast-feed they were more likely to become pregnant. They enjoyed the rare personal freedom from having to tend the children they enjoyed between pregnancies many believe there was a good trade-off.
Cervical caps Lemons were used as cervical caps because of their acidic nature. In Africa also bamboo tissue paper were used by Japanese prostitutes, wool by Arabs, linen rags by Slavic women. Some cervical caps were made out of silver or gold. Casanova took squeezed half sublime and and put them in his lover’s cervix. Oiled paper discs were placed in the cervix and often out GNC week. Sponge, tissue paper, beeswax, rubber, Wolf, silver, pepper, seeds, tree roots, rock salt, fruits, vegetables, and even opium balls cover the cervix to prevent pregnancy.
Discs of melted and molded beeswax were applied to the cervix. The sponges were and closed in silk nets with drawstrings. Olive oil was considered both a lubricant and a contraceptive, Along with wool, white lead, for vaginal suppositories to clog and shut down the entry of sperm.Barriers were used as lemon juice, okay Chet tree, led ointments, salt, cabbage, onion juice, peppermint oil and soft wool were all quite ascetic or alkaline and afforded some protection. Paper was shaped into the form of a probe, tied with a string, and smeared with ginger water. Small pebbles were placed in the women’s the China is to make them sterile. Casanova soaked small gold balls in an alkaline solution and inserted Theminto his lovers vaginas. Devices of silkworm gut and ring-shaped devices of gut, gold and silver were inserted. All led to some infections.

Emergency contraception 
and ancient times was used by getting up suddenly sneezing, blowing your nose, shouting loudly, jumping backwards, and ejaculating semen from their vaginas with – no muscle contractions. This was replaced later with douching. Using a syringe filled with alum and infusions of White Oak, hemlock bark, green tea, or raspberry leaf to destroy the semen properties. Douching also helped removing sexy transmitted infections that husbands carried from the brothels.
Sperm diversion 
The aborigines made a cut from the urethra to the scrotum so semen could leak out before reaching the vagina. as far back as 63 BC. This small hole at the base of the penis into the urethra allowed the semen to leak out of the hole instead of the vagina. If a man wanted children, he was put his finger over the hole so he would ejaculate normally. Unfortunately however he also needed to cover the hole when he urinated. 
Coitus reservatus 
was used in China and India since ejaculation caused a great loss of yang the essence of masculinity. Excess ejaculation would make men weaker and less able to have mail babies. By reserving his ejaculation, he could get some of his partners yin, the essence of femininity, without sacrificing too much of his yang. This provided a balance of union and yang. If a man could not reserve his ejaculations, he pressed the urethra between the scrotum and anus with a finger as he ejaculated and this would drive the sperm up the spine through all the chakras into the brain. In reality, it forced the semen into the bladder and was excreted in the urine.

A common method even used today is for the male to squeeze the base of the penis so he does not ejaculate. Coitus reservatus , Were pressing on the front part of the testicle block semen from entering the bladder. Ejaculation process is thus avoided by the male. The Hindus use this in ancient times.
Castration---many men were castrated by removing their testes and often their penis. They were later called eunichs. guarded and served women who were breeding for Lords kings,, and emperors. They guarded the King’s harems, saying Soprano in church choirs and ran China’s Bureaucracy. Later, sterility by tubal ligation and vasectomies became common.
Worried about the side effects of high-dose pills, and sections of IUDs, encourage more women to consider sterilization when they completed their families and today is the most popular method of permanent contraception. Magic Rituals were used to prevent pregnancy as throwing apple snails or kernels into a well add a magical hour to remain and pregnant for the month. Spinning wheels are turned backwards at midnight to avoid pregnancy. Walking over the graves of dead female ancestors also was believed to work. The Serbian women with dip their fingers in the first bathwater of the infant.
Some erroneous impression still exist: you can’t get pregnant before they ever have a period, can’t get pregnant if it’s the first time, can’t get pregnant ifthe penis doesn’t enter the vagina, can’t get pregnant if You are having sex during your period, can’t get pregnant if you stand up having sex, douching or urinating after sex will wash the sperm out,, most of your teens use birth control, a man after vasectomy can’t get sex, you are protected after your first birth control pill, if your friend pulls out an time he can protect you from getting pregnant, having sex five days before. Is safe, you have your tubes tied and you will stop menstruating. 3.20.2013

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