Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why God can't be just a powerful alien being according to Hinduism?
God Alien Hinduism Christianity Islam UFO
The idea of the notion of God as a very adva alien race(s) is very popular one. If you haven't heard of it before, it combines Abrahamic mythology with science that explains why God exists scientifically! Basically, there are two "branches" of the God as Alien theory -

1) That hundreds of thousands of years ago, a highly advanced race of aliens descended on earth and started life or genetically modified apes into Homo Sapiens for unknown reasons. They kept visiting the Earth every once in a while and the early humans, who couldn't understand them, started refering to them as gods.....Then over time, the idea of God evolved into so many religions that we see today.

2) That life had already begun on Earth but the humans had evolved very close to the Homo Sapien stage when the aliens arrived. These aliens decided to either help the early humans for various reasons or use them for manual labor and taught us technology and language. These aliens created mysterious strutures like Nazca lines and Stonehenge etc as well. Early humans, again, couldn't understand them and decided to worship them as gods. Then at some point the aliens left and over time the world forgot about them and it all became folklore finally transformed into religion.

Now both of these theories are very similar in nature and explain stories in Bible, Quran and many other ancient texts. The first theory explains things like creation of Adam from mud and creation of Eve from just a rib (genetic engineering maybe?). They explain the mysterious structures all over the world that early humans simply couldn't create on their own! They explain why Homo Sapiens had such abrupt explosion of technology that made us the dominant species on the planet. Even the stories in Greek mythology like Poseidon bringing Fire (technology may be?) to humans and Hindu stories of fallen gods roaming the planet!

A thoughtful reader of my blog asked me (in the comments in my post explaining the nature of Shiva) if this applies to Hinduism as well and I was intrigued to analyze the Hindu definition of God and try to match it with the God as Alien being theory. At first it seemed as if this alien being theory explains even Hindu notion of God but I realized that it is not so - God in Hinduism can't be an scientifically advanced alien or some other otherwise super powered being. Why?

God Alien in Christianity Islam UFOBefore I get to the Hindu perspective of God, let me explain why the God as described in Christianity or Islam would be qualify as an alien being - The God in Christianity/Islam is fundamentally an all powerful being that creates the world and puts us humans inside it. Then He constantly watches humans and keeps track of our activities. He also sends out "prophets" every once in a while (the prophets being Jesus Christ and Mohammed in this case) who tell humans about the correct behavior and start various religions. Then at doomsday, God (as described in Christianity/Islam and related relgions only) destroys everything and sends the humans to heaven or hell based on whether they followed His prophets or not! Now, when you set the religious sentiments aside for a moment, (without disrespecting any sentiments) you'd notice that this almost resembles a real time simulation video game, like Sim City for example. In fact, if the characters in Sim City suddenly gained sentience, they might think of the player as a God! Its not a too far stretch to think that this God is just another all powerful alien being playing the "game of world" and we are just puppets. There is no fundamental differentiation between the Abrahamic notion of God and a 13 year old kid playing Sim City (again I'm sorry if I hurt your sentiments).

Now let's see how the Hindu notion of God fares - In Hinduism, the supreme entity is Braham that manifests itself in this Universe and more. Braham is the sum total of the universe and more! He manifests Himself into Prakriti and Purush and Maya and that is seen as this world by our senses. How is it different from the God in Christianity/Islam? Because, according to this theory, Braham is all pervasive and everything is just one. The world looks what it looks like simply because thats how our senses see it but if someone suddenly god the Divya Drishti (the "sight" that God Alien Hinduism Christianity Islam UFOsees the true nature of the world), he/she would see that everything is nothing but Braham. So Hinduism fundamentally redefines the meaning of God and the nature of the universe. There is no more some "divine being" creating humans, sending prophets, watching humans and sending us to heaven/hell after death. Further, Karma takes care of the actions and results gives us the fundamental and the most important law of the universe. One might argue that Hinduism has the notion of incarnations and trinity, where does that fit in? The answer is that even the trinity and incarnations etc are just manifestations of Braham. So, in terms of the Sim City comparison that I used earlier, in Hinduism the game characters would be our world but the player won't be Braham. The player would just be one of the Trinity or Shakti or whatever else you'd want to call it. Braham would be both inside and outside of the game because it pervades through each and everything. As you'd notice, the alien theory simply can't explain the notion of God in Hinduism. One can think of the Trinity as an alien or the lower gods (from mythology) as aliens but the all pervasive Braham is beyond them all. Infact, as Krishna mentions in Geeta, the people who worship the God as defined in Christianity/Islam (that is explained by God is Alien theory) simply don't understand the true nature of Braham. But Krishna also states that one doesn't necessarily need to actually have the Divya Drishti and see Braham to understand it, there are many ways to realize the truth including Yoga and more but people can use any symbol that they deem fit to understand God and they will be able to attain nirvana, because ultimately All is Braham and All is One!

I hope I explained why God in Hinduism can't be seen as an advanced alien civilization in this post! Till the next post, au revoir!


  1. Really you are one impaired being, aren't you?...:)
  2. "he/she would see that everything is nothing but Braham."
    then one must assume that there can be no Hell,
    because if Braham is all, then how can God put any part of Himself in Hell. or how can Hell be any part of God?
  3. Debahuti Sanjib RajNovember 19, 2010 11:37 AM
    God cannot impose anything as good or bad which changes with time ,,everytime.Our earthly religions revolves around good or bad , Religion is a way of life to enrich it . Gods are advanced beings of some other world of other times.They for me has no insight or intension now to influence our lives
  4. I have a different view. First of all Hinduism is not a religion. It is a culture. The culture of GODS. I believe that Hinduism is following the culture of that alien race.(Which we still follow today). The conflict between devas and asuras as depicted in geetha and other religious texts may depict two conflicting alien races coming to earth for dominance.(Reason still unknown). Evidences are all around us. Use our perceptive intelligence to understand them. For instance the brahmaasthra had properties of modern day nuclear bomb. Were these texts describing what our ancestors actually saw? since they didnt have technological knowledge of a nuclear bomb, they considered them to be a divine weapon of devas. Evidences of nuclear poisoning in mohenjadoro ancient cities be proofs of such wars/conflicts.!?
  5. Very true .... vedic knowledge spans trillions of years passed by gods to human race (or any other races that exist across multiple celestials) and these gods which we call hindu gods are actually lords of various universe.
  6. The rakshasa and asura and devas werent alien races. All text were north indian in origin. The north indian people of that time were the devas and southindian people were rakshasa and northeastern people from present day assam were asuras and those from present cambodia were vanaras. Legends of Hanuman are still prevalent in cambodia and also Bali and sumatra. See racism existed even at ancient times.
    If there is any scope of ancient alien theory i think it is in egytp and sumeria.
  7. The rakshasa and asura and devas werent alien races. All text were north indian in origin. The north indian people of that time were the devas and southindian people were rakshasa and northeastern people from present day assam were asuras and those from present cambodia were vanaras. Legends of Hanuman are still prevalent in cambodia and also Bali and sumatra. See racism existed even at ancient times.
    If there is any scope of ancient alien theory i think it is in egytp and sumeria.
    1. Most nonsensical comment on this post. Stop believing the Aryan invasion theory dude. It never happened. If racism existed since ancient times and everything white was worshipped why would Hindus living in India look down upon foreigners and call them mlenchhas, the degraded? Think about it.
  8. you guys are all a bunch of loons . how does one say that god is a bunch of aliens ..who created these aliens . i dont take a liking to any one religion but none of them particularly make any sense especially this one like come on
    1. my friend big eye ... look up the age of universe we live in ... and age of our solar systems and other universes ... im more than convinced that life on other planets exist and we in relation to stated time frame are very very young .. it is more than possible that evolution process that took place here took place way early somewhere else ... after all time is a circle right not a line
    2. All right. It is all a circle. Agreed. But everything has to begin somewhere, doesn't it? If you say aliens created us then who created them and taught them technology? If you say God Brahma was the creator then who created Him? I agree with the blogger and this Big Eye guy.
    3. First, don't see Brahma as God or a person(Alien), the hindu cosmology explains Brahma as the "Big bang theory". 1 day for brahma is equal to 4,320,000,000 years for us and 1 night for Brahma = 4,320,000,000 years for us. When Brahma has created the world it remains in existence for one of his days, which comes to a period of 4,320,000,000 years in terms of Hindu calendar. When Brahma goes to sleep after the end of his day, the world and all that is therein is consumed by fire. When he awakes he again restores the whole creation. This goes on till the hundred years of Brahma's life are completed. When this period ends he himself loses his existence, and he and all the gods and sages, and the whole universe are dissolved into their constituent elements.

      Type "hindu cosmology" in google and you could learn more

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