Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lemuria and Atlantis The End and Beginning of Civilization Compiled by Mary Sutherland

Lemuria and Atlantis
The End and Beginning of Civilization
Compiled by Mary Sutherland

The  Greeks copied their legends on Atlas and Atlantis from the Hindu Atalas (Shiva)  Atala, the sunken paradise. Atalas  (Sanskrit meaning  "Pillar")  was deemed 
to be the "Pillar of the World", just as was Atlas in Greece. Atala was,destroyed by a fiery cataclysm.
The Hindus have many traditions of a  paradisial region where mankind and civilization first originated. One such plase was Tripura, "the Triple City".  with metallic 
walls and golden palaces.  The inhabitants  of Tripura were originally extremely pious, but  with the passage of time, they  became evil and perverse, and were 
destroyed by Shiva. It is because of this feat that Shiva got the epithet of Tripurantaka ("Destroyer of Tripura"). Tripura was built upon a mountain so lofty, that it was 
said to reside in the skies.

Another Hindu legend on a lost empire concerns Lanka,and is told in detail in the Ramayana. The saga of the destruction of Lanka by Rama and Hanumant was of 
which  Homer's Illiad was based. Just as the Ramayana tells the story of Lanka and the rescue of Shita (the wife  of Rama) who  was taken  by the evil Ravana. 
The  Illiad recounts the destruction of Troy and the rescue of Helen who was taken by  Paris.

The Mahabharata relates the fall of Krishna's mighty empire during the great war between the  Lunars and the Solars (the Kurus and Pandus).  Hastinapura, the 
capital of the Pandu empire, was the "City of the Pillars" (Hastina-pura)  - or  the "City of the Nagas".  The Mahabharata also tells of Dvaraka, the capital of Krishna, 
located on  an island in the middle of the seas. Krishna's capital, Dvaraka, sunk under the the sea  and their  divine hero died in the Great War.
Dravidian traditions speak of a vast sunken land known as "Rutas" that was located  towards the south-east of India. The Dravidas claim to have moved to India 
from that land before it sunk under the sea, during a a great catacylsm.  The name  Rutas is a reflection of the  Sanskrit word " radix rudh" which means "red" and  
Dravidian word "ruta:" which means 'to be red' , 'to burn'.  These etyms evoke the "Island of Fire" and may elude  to the "Land of the Reds" ( one of the many  
mystical  names of Atlantis) The Dravidas claimed to have been Kshatryias ("Warriors"), an Indian caste whose heraldic colour is red.

The Phoenicians â€” whose name also means "red" in Greek — not unlike the Dravidas, claimed  to have come from an "Island of Fire" located beyond the 
Erythraean Ocean (Ocean of the Reds) .    The Egyptians also  refer to the "Reds" (Rot or Khem, in their tongue). ,
The Celts, like so many nations, claimed to have come from a land which foundered in the seas by virtue of a terrible cataclysm. This Paradise they called by many 
names such as "Isle of Glass" (Ynis Wydr), "Island of the Women", "Avalon", Emhain, Ys, etc.  According to Jean Markale, The Celts called their sunken land :
Cantref Gwaelod" meaning "Country of the Bottom".  In the 
Mabinogion, the Celtic Book of Origins, , it is written that the Celts originally came from "the island of 
Defrobani, the Country of Summer and land of the Cimmerians".

The Cimmerians, who are deemed to have been the ancestors of the Celts, are the "Peoples of the Haze" of which  Homer equates to the somber region of Hell. 
Cimmeria is the dark Tartarus or Erebus (Erebodes = "Darkness") of Hesiod and Homer -  the Abode of the Dead. In Homer, the Scheria of the Phaeacians, a sort 
of Paradise, is placed just beyond the dark mists of Mount Erebus and the currents of the circular Oceanus.

The Egyptians spoke of the mysterious Hanebut (or Haunebut), a people who lived beyond the Indian Ocean, in the region of Amenti (or Punt). The name of the 
Hanebut means "People of the Haze" or "People of the Pillar" .  This enigmatic people were said to have lived  under a dark haze which the light of the sun never 
penetrated (Similar to the legends of the Cimmerians)  As for Punt and Amenti, the Egyptians affirmed that the region of the Hanebut was real and could indeed be 
visited, as they often did. The Hanebut were  the people of Punt who, like  the Gerzeans, invaded and conquered Upper Egypt during pre-Dynastic times, and  were 
later expelled when Egypt was unified by King Mene,  "the Greek".  This expulsiton of the Hanebut  (Cimmerians)  may come from the same time period  Plato 
spoke of as the "War of Atlantis", when  the Egyptians and the "Greeks" united to expell the Atlantean invader.

The Polynesians describe Hawaiki as a body of land to the West, beyond the Ocean. They call l Hawaiki their homeland in Indonesia, which was destroyed  by a 
huge volcanic cataclysm. This cataclysm sunk away most of its land, and smothered it in cinders and smoke. The destruction of Hawaiki took place during the time 
of a "Great War"...
The American Indians â€” Those on the Pacific coast point towards the West as their homeland,  whereas those of the Atlantic coast point to a region in the 
Atlantic  ocean.
The Romans — or, rather, their predecessors, the Etruscans â€”Ancestors came from a land oversea, that was now submerged due to a great cataclysm 
shortly after or during a Great War. They sailed with a great fleet of ships and was led by  Aeneas, oming from the sunken lands of Troy.

The Greeks - Plato tells of a primeval, ante-Diluvian "Athens" that  sunk in the Atlantean cataclysm. This cataclysm forced the Atlanteans to migrate , probably into 
India and Egypt at first and, later, into the Mediterranean region. Greek Tradition is supported by the Hindu who tell of the "Yavanas" ("Greeks", "Aryans") who once 
lived on  the island of Yava (Java) and  were in a continuous war with the Dravidian races. The Yavanas were also called Yonas, a name that closely resembles 
"Ionians" ( Greeks.)  The  Yonas may have also been the "Oaeneas" ( the people of Aeneas) who brought civilization to the Babylonians.  Ultimately, this word 
derives from the Sanskrit Yoni and the Dravida Ya-vanna, a term designating the Great Mother and, more exactly, the Cosmic Womb.

The Great Mother (Dana, Danu) is the eponymous goddess of the Danaans (= Danavas = Greeks ) and of the Tuatha Dé Danaan. The Great Virgin Mother is an 
allegory of Lemurian/ Atlantis, and Earth's Vagina allegorizes the giant chasm (the Vadava-mukha or "Submarine Mare") that engulfed Lemurian/ Atlantis.

Plato speaks of Gadeiros, the twin brother of Atlas. Gadeiros ruled over one of the ten Atlantean realms and revolted against his elder brother in the famous war of 
Atlantis. Gadeiros is Hercules, and both these names mean "cow-herder". The allusion is to the tenth labor of Hercules, where the Hero leads the cattle of Geryon 
from the sunken island of Erytheia. Erytheia means "the Land of Sunrise". From there the Greeks originally came, led by Hercules, into their new Promised Land, 
that of Greece. The "cattle" driven by Hercules is  the Greek people. This  Greek twins are equivalent to  the Hindu twins, Nakula and Sahadeva. These twin gods 
were also the true archetypes of "twins" such as Hercules and Atlas, Castor and Pollux, the Ashvins, and many others, everywhere.
The Indians of the Brazilian Amazon jungle — Tucanos, Desanas, Barasanas, etc. — claimed to have come from a sunken Paradise, destroyed and 
submerged by the Flood. This Paradise they called by many names such as Yvymaraney ("Evil-less Land" or "Pure Land"), or Emekho Patolé ("Navel of the 
Universe"). They claim their ancestors came by  ships not unlike the Ark of Noah and to have crossed an "Ocean of Milk" (Diá Alpikun Dihtalu) which is closely 
reminescent of the Hindus. The Hindus called their primordial Paradise by names such as Shveta-dvipa ("Pure Land").   In their legends, the Hindus also hold that 
the Ocean of Milk was the site of Paradise destroyed and sunken in the War of the Gods (Devas vs Asuras)

All over the world — from the Amazonian jungle to the plains of Babylon and to the sandy deserts of Egypt and the Near East — we find allusions to sunken 
golden realms that are often likened to Hell or Hades.  All such traditions ultimately derive from Atlantis-Eden, the continent submerged by the Flood and lost since 
the dawning of our Time.

According to Cel. Braghine, who wrote a book on Atlantis (
The Shadow of Atlantis, Northants (USA), 1980), certain Venezuelan Indians called Paria lived in a 
region called Atlan. The Parias were white-skinned and possessed a memory of a great cataclysm that destroyed their original homeland. This was a huge island t 
beyond the ocean inhabited by a very advanced and saintly race. . The Toltecs,  the predecessors of the Mayas, also spoke of a similar sunken land which they 
called Aztlan. The Nahautls, the Mayas and the Aztecs  spoke of White Civilizing Heroes that came from this sunken region who they called Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, 
Gucumatz, Bochica, etc. These names mean, in their tongues, "Feathered Dragon or Feathered Serpent"

The myth of the Celestial Jerusalem, told in the Book of Revelation, stems directly from the Hindu traditions of Lanka, the "Queen of the Waves". Lanka, whose 
history is told in the Ramayana, was the actual archetype of Plato's Atlantis, as well as Homer's Troy. Lanka was built upon a lofty mountain (Mt. Trikuta = Mt. Atlas 
or Meru), and was said "to fly in the air, scratching the belly of heaven". Hindu myths also tell how Lanka, with "its towers and walls of stone clad with metal" was 
pulled out of the summit of the Holy Mountain (Meru) by the North Wind (Vayu) and thrown into the seas, where it drowned with all its vast population. Interestingly 
enough, the same myth, with Atlas (i. e., Atlantis) substituting for Lanka, is also encountered in Greece. Atlas, often identified with Hesperus, the Evening Star, was 
thrown into the ocean by Boreas, the North Wind who is the Greek counterpart of Vayu. There Atlas drowned, and was to be found no more, just as happened with 
Lanka and, indeed, with Atlantis.

Other Hindu legends tell of Agartha (or Shambhalla), the subterranean realm of the King of the World. According to this tradition, it is from Shambhalla that will  
surge Kalkin, (The King of the World) for the final battle of the end of times. Kalkin will  lead his hosts, the Sons of Light, to victory against the Sons of Darkness. 
The myth of Shambhalla is the archetype from which were copied the similar ones of the Essenes and of the Christians. The Celestial Jerusalem from  St. John's 
Revelation, the myth of Kalkin prefigures the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Many experts have correlated the traditions of Agartha and Shambhalla with those of 
Atlantis and the Celestial Jerusalem. In fact, Atlantis too will resurge in the end of times in precisely the same manner as  the Celestial Jerusalem.

Celtic traditions often speak of an "Island of the Lions". This mysterious island appears in Hindu traditions as Saka-dvipa or Simhala-dvipa ("Island of the Lions", in 
Sanskrit). This "Island of the Lions" also figures in many other different traditions. In Celtic traditions, the Island of the Lions is called  Avalon. The name of Avalon 
has been interpreted both as "Land of the Apples" and as "Island of the Lions" (Ava-lon). This paradisial island is also called Lyonesse (Lyon-ys or "Island of the 
Lions") or Llyn Llion ("Lake Lion"), the lake which reputedly overwhelmed the whole world with its waters when it overflowed, causing the Flood.

According to the Hindus, the  "Island of the Lions" is the Simhala-dvipa (or Serendip),  the "Island of the Seres" (Seren-dip), which is the same as Taprobane 
(Sumatra). The Seres are "the people of the silk" (serica = "silk", in Latin). They are described as a blond, blue-eyed, tall people by Pliny, Solinus and others. 
Serendip is the same as Taprobane or Sumatra, and should not be confused with Shri Lanka (Ceylon), its Indian counterpart. The word "lion", in India, is 
synonymous with "hero" (gandha or simha in Skt., singa in Dravida, etc.), so that the name of Simhala-dvipa indeed means "Island of the Heroes". And these 
"Heroes" of old are none other than those of Atlantis, destroyed in the Flood, as mentioned in the Book of Genesis (ch. 6).

Several authors have identified  Serendip with the Biblical Hevilat (one of the four regions of Eden).  Hevilat (or Havila) was famous for its gold and for being 
encircled by the river Phison. The Jewish historian, Josephus,  identifies the Phison with the Ganges river, in a way that leaves no doubt about its Indian location. 
The bdellium and the gemstones produced in Hevilat are telltale of its true location in the Indies. The geography of the region of Paradise is also identical to that of 
the Indian region under discussion, and which is that of South India and neighboring Burma. Hence, it seems safe to conclude that Eden was indeed located in the 

The Bible relates an  Avalon tradition of the 
Kadesh (Kodesh), the Holy (Kadesh Barnea). In Kadesh Barnea there was a lake or fountain that overflowed and 
flooded the whole region, destroying Paradise. Kadesh is none other than the Cades or Gades that, according to  Phoenician traditions,  is the alias of Atlantis. 
Kadesh (or Gades or Gadeiros) is an  epithet that  commemorates the role of Hercules as the "cow-herder" that led the Greek people away from Atlantis.

The  American  Potawatami Indians of Wisconsin have referred to the  mound builders of the Burlington, Wisconsin area, as the Yam-Ko-Desh.When the Indians migrated into the area of the Yam-Ko-Desh, they described their population as  "thicker than the leaves on a tree". The Ottawas, Ojibwas, and 
Potawatami formed an alliance to exterminate them. The native Indians claimed not to know much about who these people were but some have recalled old 
legends that their ancestors had conquered and ousted an ancient  civilization which had dug for copper and built mounds
James Churchward - wrote in his books on Mu that the Motherland stretched from the Hawaiian Islands to Fiji and from Easter Island to the Marianas.  It was a 
tropical paradise much like Eden and was approximately 5,000 miles long and 3,000 miles wide . Churchward considered the Nan Modal site on Pohnpei Island 
one of the seven sacred cities of Mu. Today its ruins sit on a swampy lagoon filled with mangrove trees. We also see stone monument of mysterious orgin in 
dotting the entire pacific of which Easter Island is one. The Hawaaian and Pacific Islands are the remaining mountain peaks of this lost continent. When Mu was 
destroyed nearly 64 million people lost their lives . the final demise of Lemuria occurred perhaps only 10,700 years before the final destruction of Atlantis and the 
final destruction of Atlantis may have taken place over 10,000 years ago.

The legends of Easter Island speak of Hiva, which sank beneath the waves as people fled, while Samoans called a similar place Bolutu. It was stocked with trees 
and plants bearing fruits and flowers, which were immediately replaced when picked. On Bolutu men could walk through trees, houses, and other physical objects 
without any resistance. The Maoris of New Zealand still talk about arriving long ago from a sinking island called Hawaiki, a vast and mountainous place on the 
other side of the water.

Precise detailed maps of the lost continent of Mu and Atlantis were found on stone tablets from Pre-Inca Ica, Peru, by Dr. Javier Cabrera, engraved in stone and 
photographed by Robert Charroux. United Nations diplomat Farida Iskoviet, assistant to United Nations President Adam Malik, came to Maui in 1972 and 
researched Lemurian ruins and history and concluded that they were real. One of Hawaii's leading authorities on Lemurian research was Sgt. Williard Wannall 
from Army Intelligence in Oahu. He reported that ruins of a submerged Lemurian city was between Maui and Oahu. It was a Top Secret project in Naval Intelligence 
in 1972.  In the 1930's soundings of the Pacific by Capt. Claude Banks Mayo of the U.S. Navy ,show  "a submerged continent, with mountains, river courses and 
plateaus at an average depth of one mile stretching from the Hawaiian to the Barin Islands, east of the coast of Japan."

H P Blatvatsky - In her book ,The Secret Doctrine , Madame Blatvatsky claimed to have learned of Lemuria in The Book of Dzyan - which she said was composed 
in Atlantis and shown to her by the Mahatmas. Blasvatsky located Lemuria in the Indian Ocean about 150 million years ago between Madagascar and Malaysia.  
She may have obtained her ideas of a sunken land in the Indian Ocean from Sanskrit legends of the former continent of Rutas that sank beneath the sea. The Rig 
Veda in particular speaks of "the three continents that were"; the third was home to a race called the Danavas. A land called Rutas was an immense continent far to 
the east of India and home to a race of sun-worshippers. But Rutas was torn asunder by a volcanic upheaval and sent to the ocean depths. Fragments remained 
as Indonesia and the Pacific islands, and a few survivors reached India, where they became the elite Brahman caste.

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