Monday, September 21, 2009

Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man Love Compatibility

Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man Love Compatibility

Aquarius and Pisces make a strange combination with some flickering and some smooth moments. An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. The relationship works fine till the time the Aquarius displays cold and detached attitude, which can hurt Pisces very much.
A Pisces man is calm, thoughtful, quite gentle and compassionate person, most of the time. He can tolerate a lot and let most of the bad pass him by. Making a Pisces male angry is like witnessing a very different and stern side of him, but this rarely happens. He may be confused when it comes to a quick decision, but he is more than willing to give his all to someone he loves whether it be his lover or a family member. Being soft and compassionate, he usually proves to be a great partner to women from most of the zodiac signs.
An Aquarius woman is an admirable human being with so many interesting colors in her personality that can amuse anyone. She is not at all materialistic in any way. In fact, a simple romantic gesture gets her every time. She is not so easily surprised either. Though, she herself is the one who usually does the surprising, especially with her whimsical and crazy thoughts that float through her head. Even though she craves her freedom to continue to be her individualistic self, once she falls in love, she is forever of her lover.
Aquarius woman commits herself to the man she loves as soon as he has proven to be her very best friend. And the Pisces man is able enough to show her that he is not in the relationship just for her heart and body but for her intellectual mind as well. In an Aquarius woman, he sees his own strengths in self sacrificing himself for her without a hesitation. Most of the time, she prefers her Pisces man to show his friendship before his love. She initially spills her all to her new Pisces man lover in hopes that he actually listens to what she has to say. She supports him and makes sure to be on his side in all walks of life. Neither of them likes to make promises as they hate to break them when given. The only difference here is that Aquarius woman will be open about not wanting to give a promise.
Pisces man is quite taken by Aquarius woman. Her odd behavior does not faze him and he knows how to tolerate such antics. She has a need, a craving for her independence and adventure. She keeps this in her life to keep herself up in the clouds where she is happiest. That is until Pisces male comes along. Something about his attitude and attention toward her brings her out of the clouds and back down to earth. Her need for independence eases, and together that touch of ‘crazy’ that they play with together sends her into a love that she holds onto forever with faith and loyalty. She attentively listens to all of the advices that has to be given by the Pisces man, though she ends up doing things her way anyway. The good thing about it is that he always supports whatever she decides to do with a gentle smile and strong cooperation.
The sweetness in the relationship of Aquarius woman and Pisces man is even sweeter than honey. They know each other, understand the needs of each other and support the other whenever required. The humbleness of the Pisces man teaches her to feel safe around him both about her individuality as well as her emotions. Likewise, he also feels utmost comfort in sharing his dreams with her, who patiently listens to him and give all of hers to help in make them come true. None of them has ego problems and they both are ready to submit to each other both emotionally and physically with such a romance that is even envied by the angels of heaven.
Sex between Aquarius woman and Pisces man is not so much an experience as it is an experiment. With such a mental bond between the two, they reach new levels in their lovemaking, much more so than the ordinary couple in love. Their bodies can go through the motions and sex can be great, but they won’t feel completely bonded until their minds completely come together. They squirm and moan, entirely at each other’s mercy. With time and deepening of their understanding and emotions, there comes harmony and a wonderful smooth flow to their relationship. The satisfaction they feel in their love making comes from their deep bonding both emotionally and physically where they actually feel each other’s presence. Aquarius woman loves life and carries this into her sexual bond with her Pisces man, and he realizes that long treasured dream he has only been able to dream until his Aquarius woman helps him find it. If anyone is able to find the true romance in a bond, it is the unison of these two. It’s even better than the real thing, cause it’s just so intense, every single nerve just screams for more.
There are some arguments and differences between Pisces man and Aquarius woman. She may find him too dreamy at sometimes and feel that he is losing opportunities while he finds his Aquarius woman very aloof and cold at times, giving no response to his love and romantic gestures. This can create problems in their relationship. He has the fear of losing his own regard for himself and what he needs and she is afraid of losing her individuality. But quarreling is sometimes a funny thing when it occurs between two people who love each other, especially when it is Aquarius woman and Pisces man. They quarrel back and forth when in fact all they are really thinking is how much each one wants the other one. The little things can easily be overlooked and the bond between them can keep on growing stronger!
nitially both the zodiac signs will love each other's company. A Pisces will always find pleasure and fun in living with an Aquarius person and in turn Pisceans being compassionate, will try to take Aquarians on their trip to the dreamland. But, Aquarians may find it as a confinement for themselves as they are freedom-lovers and like to explore the world by themselves. Pisces are very sensitive and tender, need a strong personality. On the other hand, Aquarius seeks for a less emotional soul-mate. Therefore, the pair may not be able to get along in the long-run.

Compatibility of Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman

In the beginning stage of the relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Pisces man, love will blossom and sizzle. But, as the season fades this relationship may also wither. Both have to struggle a lot and need to make compromises to stabilize the relationship. Although, a Piscean man will attract an Aquarius woman with his intimate love and passion and an Aquarius woman will also enjoy his company and take him on exciting adventures, they differ in their needs and desires. When an Aquarius woman wants to detach from the world to live alone for sometime, a Piscean man behaves extremely opposite and wants her to be at his side at that very time.

Compatibility of Pisces Woman and Aquarius Man

The combination of an Aquarius man with a Pisces woman is hard to match. An Aquarius man is an analyser and a deep thinker. He will give Pisces woman good company including pleasures and excitements but unable to fulfill her innate desire of warmth and passionate relationship. A Piscean woman is very sensitive and demands a lot from an Aquarius man. But, he is not as emotional as a Piscean woman and also not bothered about the minute details. He wants a Piscean woman to enjoy the freedom like him and a Piscean woman likes to stay with him at one place only. It is difficult for them to adjust with each other.
Pisces and Aquarius Relationship. 
This is an imaginative match, and the relationship between these two will frequently take an unconventional form.  
The qualities that you like about each other can also be the reasons why this partnership is none to easy.
Since both operate on an unworldly, creative and thought level, they tend to understand each other well. However, both tend to get so wrapped up in their own thoughts that they overlook to communicate to each other. 
Aquarius generates an abundance of ideas, some quite eccentric, while Pisces accepts and responds with intuitive understanding rather than encouraging the Aquarius to finish what they have started. 
Both need to remember there are times when they must to return to earth or the relationship could prove chaotic.

Aquarius Woman & Pisces Man
This match doesn’t work very well for you. If you get into a relationship with a Pisces guy, it will seem to start off great, but unfortunately it will go downhill fast. You can achieve a very special bond of intimacy with a Pisces boy, so it’s easy to be fooled into thinking that you’ve found the romance of your dreams. However, as things go on, he will get more and more dependent and this is what will end up ruining everything. Pisces boys are enormously clingy with Aquarius girls. He’ll spend a lot of time complaining about how you desert him for your friends. The truth is, he doesn’t want you to have any other friends, or life, except for being with him. It might sound neat for a second, but you can’t live like this for long without going insane. You need more freedom and you need a partner with the confidence to let you do your own thing without them some of the time. Pisces boys are just incapable of that kind of giving. This match is a bad combination that you would do best to avoid. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

This can be a down-and-out great match, but only with dedication and desire. Aquarius girl, you've got it together, and sometimes Pisces boy's emotional reactions to your actions will get under your skin. He also moves a little more slowly at the game of life than you do, so patience, sweet girl. Not everyone can be as quick as you! ( Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )
  • 4 years ago

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