As per our Indian vastu shastra we must give more space at North and East than West and South sides. While it is so, the trees needs some spacious space to grow and cover the area. If we don’t have certain space at west and south sides, then how it is possible to plant trees at west and south sides. Its absolutely impossible. Again these people say that we should not plant trees at north and east sides. Well, then where we have to plant trees at our house.
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Finally they drag one point that there is no space for planting trees and trees shadow should not be fallen on house. So vastu is the main cause for trees plantation, so many people have much interest in planting trees, but due to vastu shastra we are unable to plant trees. Vastu Shastra curse on Trees. Here we will brake all these principles and maintain feasibility and plantation without braking the. We will see the solution for all these problems.
In Matsyapurana it is said that :
Ten Water wells are equal to one water tank
Ten water tanks are equal to one lake
Ten lakes are equal to one Son
Ten Sons are equal to one Tree.
Now you may understand the importance of trees. Our puranas are also clearly stated that trees are life for humans and Earth. Save Earth by planting trees.
Is there any solution for this problem :
Yes there is a solution for this problem. See this image.
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Here we planned to give some more space at west and south sides,(observe the west and south side more space and observe the above image) so we have much space for planting trees, and the north and east also not disturbed. Here the house occupied the nairuthi part and trees are also planted at west and south parts, so we followed their conditions.
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Please note that
Trees are the hidden attraction for heavenly elements.
You can observe at some houses, the inmates enjoying their life with full happiness and standard living, those houses may have full of Tree shelters. A house is having with full of trees.... what is the results from it, nothing, the inmates just enjoy their life with full happiness.
In the above image the trees are at south and west directions only, but now see this below picture, here the trees are covered almost all at house, except Eshan corner.
Provide space only at Eshan corer and cover all the entire place with trees. Dont trust the words that "trees shadow should not touch to the house". You can cover the house with full of trees, just left some small portion at eshan side as vacant, this is enough for us. In any case one house is having trees at Eshan corner, no problem just dig one sump at Eshan corner, then the problem will solve. We will discuss it with one image.
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If you plant more trees at south side and west side then you will have more benefits, see this below picture, here the south side is full of trees, it gives you more money and good health, financially sound, peace and standard life etc. | |
In the above image the trees are fuly occupied at south side, like wise you can plant number of trees at west side also. It gives inmates a secured life, good health, financially sound etc, enemies power lost, confidence etc.
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Treat the trees like your children, they save you definitely. In Sanskrit there is a word on trees "Vrukshadevatha" . If you have any query trees vastu kindly write to me, i will definitely reply to your email.
Any of your friends or relatives houses, if there is big trees or heavy ( number of) trees, please inform them regarding this link, if they planned to cut trees in the name of vastu shastra, suggest them dont cut trees. If the land is cool then good vastu will work immediately, if the land is hot bad vastu will starts its work. Here is the link of my contact details, at any time i am ready to serve my services for the trees, plants.., love trees, its nothing but Love on God. God bless our planet. Without consulting any vastu expert you can directly plant trees at Agneya and vayavya places. requesting Government, please plant trees, to save our planet, environment is most important for us to secure our future. Please pass a rule if any one commits to cut the trees in the name of vastu shastra, punish them with severe fines or imprisonment or with requesting the Government and Officers please pass a rule that if any person wants to construct a house, he must plant atleast two trees at his house. He must show the space or provide space for plants and without trees dont allow for construction.
Please note that this link is more developed in coming days, from this link you will get which tree is best for various lands. How to protect trees, Tree types, route causes any damage to houses or bedrock or foundation etc will be published here, kindly pass this link to your friends. If you are Trees lover then participate in developing of this Website. Please inform this weblink to your friends. You can contact us for more suggestions. Help our environment by planting trees...
"From the day we are after killing non speaking animals and plants - our every morning is welcome with a fresh and miserable new problem. The day we love trees, world would be a paradise." |
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