A Hollow Earth? 
Modern Science says no!
Modern Science will tell you that it is impossible for the earth to be "Hollow". This same Modern Science will tell you man came from a monkey and there are no such things as UFO’s. The "official" position of the Church (Holy Roman version) was that the earth was flat. The emerging sciences began to realize that this was wrong. Today in the minds of too many people, the Bible has lost its validity because men were wrong! It is funny that the Bible declared the earth was round long before there was a "Modern Science" or The Church! (Holy Roman type).
Isa 40:22 "It is He who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in."
The Bible has always remained true, it is man’s own interpretation or rather the lack of proper interpretive procedures that are flawed!
Is there a controversy about a hollow earth?
Most Christians profess belief in a literal "Hell". When pressed to define where it is, most will point to the ground or define this never-never land in another dimension on some spiritual plane. A vague unclear concept of hell has been taught for over the last 100 years. The result is another great miss-conception within much of traditional Christianity concerning the separation of spirit and flesh.
The actual evidence Scientifically is no more conclusive about a Hollow Earth than it is about Evolution or UFO’s. There is valid scientific proof that hollow planets and moons may be the norm and not even an exception. The actual fact is that we (at least the public) know very little about the inner condition of the earth. The point is that in spite of any claims by science, it has not been proven that the earth is solid.
I believe because science has been able to produce many conveniences of technology, Scientists have moved into the place of being what I call Scientist- Priests. They tell us what to believe both spiritually and in the physical natural realm and we are to unquestionably accept it. This was what people once did with the Priests of the Holy Roman Empire. All we have done is focused the same behavior from Organized Religion to Organized Science which for many has become their unquestionable religion. I believe the Church is embarrassed by the staunch position of Scientists Priests who proclaim with ridicule the very thought of a hollow earth.
Legends Abound:
Legends abound throughout many cultures about the origin of the first people who inhabited the earth. Some describe a race appearing from inside the earth. For example Indian folklore tells of "white tribes that live in the earth" appearing occasionally from caves. A series of Cave drawings from India shows a group of people emerging from a hollow void beneath the earth. According to local legends these were the first human beings that left a subterranean world to begin populating the surface world.
Native American legends from the Mandan, Sioux and Tuscaroras include their tribal origins as coming from inside the earth. Eskimos have the same tribal teachings. The Shawnees claim a civilization of "whites" lived in Florida before they arrived and left their buildings going back into caves in the earth. Incas have a similar folklore of a subterranean white race that travels via caves. From China, Iceland and the South American Aztec’s their writings tell of an inner domain created by the "gods" for the first humans. An Eastern legend describes the origin of Adam came from inside the earth. A Hindu legend adds that Adam was a king of a group who fled a great cataclysm into the hollow earth and then returned to repopulate afterward. Tibetan monks refer to two underground areas Shambala and Agatha as underground dwelling places for ascended masters and others. Orpheus went into the earth to seek out Euridice of Greek mythology, Apollo’s real home was among the Hyperboreans inside the earth of Roman Mythology. The Valkries descended and ascended into an inner domain in Nordic mythology. Even today, the Bon Po sect of Tibet claim to be in contact with underground masters and the "King of the World"; Lord Maitreya, in tunnels and caverns in the Himalayan mountains.
Names like Agharti, Shamballa, Shangri-La, Thule, Arktos, Valhalla, and Hades all speak of different cultural beliefs in an inner earth. The concept in myth and legend is truly as universal as the Flood.
Historical Evidence? Sir Edmond Halley
The first person to write an entire work on a hollow earth was the famous English Astronomer and Mathematician; Sir Edmund Halley (yes, the comet guy) In 1692 he published his theory about a hollow earth. His theory was developed from working with Sir Isaac Newton on earth magnetism fluctuations and the possible causes. His solution, the earth was hollow. He believed there were three concentric cones with a molten lava core, which served as an "inner sun".
Many in the beginning of the 19th century had popularized a hollow earth. This idea was taken seriously in our own history in America. John Simms a former Captain and decorated hero in the U.S. Army dedicated his life to undertaking the theory of a hollow earth. He believed there was a civilization that existed there as well, with openings at both poles. He died in 1829 with his dream unrealized but his ideas were responsible for the ill-fated government- backed Expedition of 1838-1840 to the Antarctic led by Charles Wilkes. The Smithsonian Institute was built for the express purpose of holding the findings of this effort, supported by President John Quincy Adams and approved by Congress.
Admiral Byrd
There were many other explorers in the late 19 and early 20th century that set out to attempt the exploration of the Polar Regions. The most recent and successful was that of Admiral Richard Byrd. Making many flights over both poles and mapping the Antarctic, Byrd became Americas "expert". In his early years (1929) he made a flight with his navigator Lloyd K. Grenlie over the Antarctic discovering a range of high mountain peaks called the Rockefeller Mountains, named after the sponsor of the expedition. It is alleged that they made a filming of a second trip that year. The newsreel film was played all over theaters in America describing both trips. In this film it showed photographs of "the land beyond the pole" including Mountains, trees, rivers and a large animal identified as a Woolly Mammoth! But of course today this film no longer exists. Grenlie before his death had confirmed the existence of the movie. In his book, " World beyond the poles." (1959) Author F.A. Giannini presents signed testimonies of witnesses who remember viewing the movie. (I personally remember my Grandparents telling me as a child something about this movie.)
Many of the last trips made by Byrd started out with enthusiastic claims of being the most important discoveries to be made. Upon returning the Press gave little fanfare and Byrd said nothing. In a Diary claimed to be the "lost Diary" of his Antarctic trip in 1947 there is an entry,
Flight Log, Camp Arctic, Feb 19, 1947
" We are crossing over the small mountain range still proceeding northward...Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a small river… There should be no green valley here. Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here...We should be over ice and snow. From the port side there are great forests growing on the mountain side…The instruments are still spinning. The gyroscope is oscillating back and forth...I alter the altitude to 1400 feet and execute a sharp left turn...The light here seems different. I cannot see the sun anymore...We make another left turn and spot what seems to be a large animal of some kind below...it looks like a mammoth-like animal. This is incredible, but there it is...temperature indicator reads 74 degrees...Continue our heading. Navigation instruments seem normal now...Radio is not functioning. The countryside is more level than normal...Ahead we spot what seem like habitations. This is impossible! Aircraft seems light and oddly buoyant. The controls refuse to respond. The engines of our craft have stopped running. The landing process is beginning...I am making a hasty last entry in the flight log. I do not know what is going to happen now..."
Hollow earth researchers are divided about the diary. The skepticism is mostly based on the next entry where Byrd describes that his plane was forced landed by a flying disk. There was a swastika like marking on it. He then encountered tall blond hair, blue eyed men who spoke English in a broken German-Nordic accent. He was given a tour and a message to the surface warning them about the use of testing nuclear weapons.
Red flag Warning!
As much as I would like to believe in this lost diary there are some real problems. I have no problem with the content. Even though it all might sound wacky to most. My problem is the manner in which he responded to what he was experiencing. Wasn’t it already recorded that he made this trip and filmed it in 1929? Then why is he so taken back and surprised in 1947???
Would he not make comments that this was just like or similar to the last trip he had already made? He would have a been there, done that slant to his writing. This is too convenient in timing and inconsistent to his past experiences.
I have no doubt that these events occurred; I just doubt that this diary is genuine. When investigating anything that is being covered up or silenced, you have to expect a lot of spurious information added for a variety of reasons. I believe someone well aware of the truth tried to create documentation to prove their case. But proof may be in the suspicious reactions of our own government (U.S.) to the Nazi colony and Byrd’s trip to the Antarctic in 1947 named Operation High-Jump. Admiral Byrd, our only expert on the Antarctic, commands the expedition. Equipped with 13 ships including an aircraft carrier, two planes and 4,000 ground troops, the convoy steams to the Antarctic. The public is told that this was a scientific expedition to "test" military equipment in extreme cold conditions; the expedition is outfitted for 8 months. This would not seem unusual except the expedition maneuvered like a military assault. They made a two-point landing converging on an area named "Neu-Schwabenland" which the Nazi’s explored and sectioned off, claiming it as theirs. The expedition returns to America a few weeks later after suffering heavy losses of equipment. Washington censures Admiral Byrd to be silent about the failed operation. What actually happened in the Antarctic we may never know. What we find are trace evidence of some kind of cover-up. Another piece of evidence we find is the authentic Diary of Byrd’s
In the authentic Diary of Byrd’s, his last entry before his death in 1957 tells us something of a truth.
"December 25, 1956 these last few years since 1947 have not been so kind. I now make my final entry in this singular diary. In closing I must state that I have faithfully kept this matter secret as directed all these years. It has been completely against my values and moral rights. Now I seem to sense a long night coming on and this secret will not die with me, but as truth shall, it shall triumph. It is the only hope for all mankind. I have seen and it has quickened my spirit and set me free. I have done my duty towards the monstrous military industrial complex. Now the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of truth shall come again, and those who are of darkness shall fail in flight. For I have seen that land beyond the poles, the center of the great unknown."
It was then signed with his signature Richard E. Byrd, United States Navy. This entry indicates that he was silenced from what he experienced and knew. In any conspiracies and cover-ups you will not find hard evidence, only the results of suspicious actions and reactions, along with traces and bits of evidence that create more questions than answers.
An Occult perspective of the earth:
Even occultist’s had a variety of beliefs, some "supernaturally" given to them. Cyrus "Koresh" Teed, founder of Koreshanity, taught that the earth was a laminated shell, formed from the noble metals with gold as the outermost one. The sun and the stars and their reflections, (called planets as well as the moon) moved within that sphere. There is a black counter sun, which provided obstructions of night. He received this understanding from an angelic figure that appeared to him in his alchemical laboratory. His following was cultist and he mixed his own brand of pseudo-Christianity. The following prophecy is almost a self-proclaiming inference as a messianic figure.
"We are now approaching a great biological conflagration. Thousands of people will dematerialize, through a biological electro-magnetic vibration. This will be brought about through the direction of one mind, the only one that has knowledge of the law of this bio-alchemical transmutation. The change will be accomplished through the formation of a biological battery, the laws of which are known only to one man. This man is Elijah the prophet, ordained of God, the Shepard of the Gentiles and the central reincarnation of the ages. From this conflagration will spring the sons of God, the biune offspring of the Lord Jesus, the Christ and Son of God."
This bizarre cosmology influenced Adolf Hitler to the point where he acted upon them. Sending an expedition to Iceland, He attempted to bounce radar waves off the "shell" to detect British Navel activity. Obviously this became a failed mission but other occult revelators may have opened up the reality of a Hollow Earth to him.
Science Fiction or Fact? Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton was known worldwide for his book, "The last days of Pompeii". He was a high ranking Freemason, a Rosicrucian and a member of the neo-pagan English social order known as the "Golden Dawn". He wrote a book (supposedly fiction) called, "The Coming Race"(1871). This story tells of highly developed subterranean beings that possess a mysterious power of the Vril Force. The beings are described as extremely tall Caucasians with superhuman strength. This strength enables them to utilize a strap on device of wings, which enables them to fly. Their life span ranges into centuries. The Vril power is a mental one that is focused into a crystal staff that each person possesses. They view human surface dwellers as one would view cattle or pets. The story claims that they will one day emerge from their underground caverns to reclaim the surface and dominate us. Although presented to the public as fiction, occult initiates believed this to be truth veiled in a fictional story.
One of the secret societies that merged with the Thule society to form the Nazi party was the Vril society. They based their entire society upon this occult "fiction" book. Their desire was to discover and develop this power of the Vril and contact the inner beings to form an alliance. As way out as this might sound, actions were taken seriously to achieve this goal. In modern times it would be the same as the Masons merging with the official Stark Trek fan club to form a powerful political movement.
Not so New Age concept:
H.P. Blavatsky, spiritualist medium and founder of Theosophy stated that the North Pole is the region of Atma, a pure electro-magnetic soul of the earth and spirituality called the Gate, whereas the South Pole is called "The Pit." cosmically and terrestrially. North being positive and the South Pole being negative. She wrote about the Aryan "master race" and their subterranean origin from within the earth. The earth then was like a living force with energy and light flowing inward into the North Pole and excreting out of the South Pole. Mankind emerging from the "womb" to live on the surface is compared to a "birthing".
At the turn of the 19th century many intellectuals and European Aristocrats took Blavatsky’s Theosophy based upon her main work "Secret Doctrines" to heart. The Thule society was formed based upon Theosophy and the Secret Doctrine. As mentioned this was the intellectual occult secret societies and financial groups that later became a part of the Nazi party!
A 19th Century Christian Perspective:
H.M. Howell, a Christian Educator, wrote in his book, "The Kosmic Problem Solved," (1895) that a parallel existed between the ocean currents and the four rivers mentioned in Genesis 2:10-14 as flowing out of Eden. Eden then would be on the concave side of the globe, with the waters welling out through the hole at the South Pole, completing it’s course back into the earth at the opening in the North Pole. I mention this visionary and inspired man of God because he got it right! We shall now look at what the word of God tells us about our own world. It is truly Beyond Science Fiction!
What Jesus had to say about a Hollow Earth:
While speaking to his disciples about stewardship, faith and forgiveness Jesus told an actual, literal story of Lazarus and the rich man. He does not name the rich man but he names the beggar, Lazarus. Whenever Jesus spoke a parable, he never used personal names therefore this was an actual event being described by Jesus.
Luke 16"19-26 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass that he died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that you in your lifetime received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and you are tormented... And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from here to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from there..."
For now, let’s look at the geographical details disregarding the spiritual implications. We have two areas separated by a gulf or chasm, which is fixed. When we hear of "Abraham's bosom" we usually think of the upper front body area between the arms. Another meaning familiar to the ancient culture as described by Thayer’s Concordance is the bosom of a garment, That is the hollow formed by the upper forepart of a Tunic. This is a rather loose garment bound by a girdle or sash used for keeping and carrying things (the fold or pocket). This literal event told by Jesus describes a two-part pocket, one negative and one positive separated between each other by a gulf. This was the Old Testament concept of Hell or Sheol as being a place where all departed souls went to one or the other place.
The Bible contains additional scripture to support this idea of a two chambered hollow earth.
Psalms116:3, "The sorrows of death compass me and the pains of hell got a hold upon me, I found trouble and sorrow."
The word pains, in Hebrew is metsar meaning something tight. It comes from the Hebrew root, qebah meaning the paunch (as a cavity) the first stomach of a cud chewing animal. (They have more than one stomach!) In the etymology of the word for pain we get the understanding of the two-chambered hollow earth. In addition, words such as the sea, abyss, pit and the deep interchangeably mean the same place within the earth. When the flood came the fountains of the "deep" burst forth to the surface. Where did they burst? Subterranean! That would also mean that H.M. Howell was right about the parallel of the ocean currents and the four rivers from Eden.
After the cross, before the resurrection, Jesus went to both chambers of a hollow earth:
The New Testament understanding is that before the death and resurrection of Jesus, all who died in faith could not leave this fallen dimension until a way back had been accomplished.
After the death and resurrection of Jesus, he descended to declare a further judgment upon the angels that sinned in Taratus and set the captives free in paradise.
Eph 4:9 "Now this, "He ascended"-- what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?"
This population depletion of paradise is described in Matthew27:52,53,
"...and the graves were opened and many bodies of the saints which slept arose. And came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many."
After this time the upper half of Sheol was left empty. Now, upon death of those born of the Spirit they go directly to be with the Lord in the heavenly dimension.(2Co5:8)
In the Lower chamber Jesus declared something to the fallen angels and their offspring:
1 Pet 3:18-20 (Jesus)... being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit, by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison, who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared,"
"Preached" in contextual use does not mean that Jesus preached the gospel. The word means to simply declare something. "Spirits" refers to disembodied angelic spirits not human ones. A further description of this visitation by Jesus is mentioned by the Prophet Isaiah:
Isa 26:13-14 " LORD our God, other lords beside thee have had dominion over us: but by thee only will we make mention of thy name. They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish"
They are dead and deceased and will not live or rise is stating their natural demise and judgment. The word for "deceased" is rapha, which are the "ghosts of the Giants". Their fate is set and they will not be apart of the resurrection. But then they are "visited". This word signifies something of an intervention or alteration of a natural process. This same word is used when Sarah was visited in her old age and conceived Isaac. This visitation is part of Jesus descending into the lower realm.
The second part of the word Paqad for "visited", has a very wide meaning; the most common use is that of drawing or mustering up an army. I believe the meaning here is twofold. It is a divine intervention of a normal process to allow for a resurrection of these giants, the angels that sinned and their offspring for the express purpose to be mustered up as an army to their final destruction. There is also the strong emphasis that this action is under control and part of God’s plan. The Hebrew word amad is used for destroy and perish in Isaiah 26. It is the root word for the name Abandon or in the Greek, Apollyon, who is the destroyer that comes out of the bottomless pit with the army of "locusts" (a figurative term for nations). This is the same army mentioned in Joel 2:1-11 and Rev 9:1-11. In Rev 19 they are destroyed by just one word from the returning Lord Jesus..
For our sake her it is important to see that Jesus went to both chambers right after his death before his resurrection. Understanding this by the Bibles own statements draws some rather interesting conclusions!
Abraham’s bosom = Paradise = Eden! all the same?
If Abraham’s bosom is paradise then just what is paradise? Jesus told the thief next to him on the cross that, "today you shall be with me in Paradise." After the cross he did not ascend to heaven, he went into the bowels of the earth, to Abraham’s bosom where Lazarus went which was paradise. It is very important to understand this connection. Because many further implications are made by this. This is a domain within the earth itself. It was called Abraham’s bosom and Paradise. There is no other Paradise mentioned anywhere else. This is the only Paradise mentioned. Let’s look at why is this important.
Rev2:7 "...to him that overcomes will I give to eat of the TREE OF LIFE which is in the midst of the PARADISE of God."
We know that the tree of life is in the Garden of Eden! There is only one tree of life. That would mean that Eden and Paradise are one in the same and so is Abraham’s bosom. Where are they? Inside a HOLLOW EARTH!
The Garden of Eden then is not on the surface in some invisible never- never land or forgotten ethereal place, but subterranean. The many cultural myths of man ascending from an inner earth are but a trace memory of what the Bible concurs!
What about holes at the poles? Satellite Photo of Earth's pole
Does the Bible mention anything like this?
"The waters are hid as with a stone, and the face of the deep is frozen". Job 38:30.
This is very interesting in deed. The waters "hid" are the internal waters of the deep or abyss. Like a stone on top the excess floodwaters frozen now covers the face or opening of the abyss. This ice covering is what we call the Arctic and Antarctic circles. Frozen like a rock to cover the openings of the inner earth and the waters "hid" within. This was only a resulted effect after the flood.
Ps33:7, "He gathered the waters of the sea together as an heap: he layeth up the depth in storehouses." Also, Job26:10, "He hath compassed the waters with bounds until the day and night come to an end."
He hath compassed literally means, He inscribed a circle over the face of the waters. Before the flood there was a complete easy access in and out.
2Peter 3:5-7, "For this they are willingly ignorant of, that by the Word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."
The Greek word for earth means in it’s general term, arable land. The Greek word, sunistao, for standing is better rendered, united together. In this sense submerge land or flooded land is not what is mentioned here but rather surface land out of the waters, and surface land in the waters (subterranean). With this understanding we can see that the arable land was united together out of the water and in the water. But the flood changed this. Verse 6 states that the world (ordered arraignment) before was destroyed in the flood. Now the face or openings at the poles are covered over by the frozen floodwaters and the inner and outer realms separated from each other. One chamber, is empty of population it’s opening is sealed off until the end of time. The other chamber thrives with a population. The only inhabitants there are rebels. Be they Fallen angels in Tartarus (a lower level in Hades) or departed souls of the damned (upper level of Hades) or east of Eden in the land of Nod - humans!
This lower chamber will be breached at sometime in our history. A possible rendering of Job26:8 states,
" He binds up the waters as a thicket ( a fortress) before broken into a hidden opening underneath."
We have two poles, one is covered over until the end of time, and the other is "broken into. This could correspond with another scripture of someone who would "dig into hell"
The E nd Time Search for this Realm:
The Bible suggests there will be a time when an individual and a group of fugitive people will attempt to enter into this subterranean realm. The Prophet Amos in his book proclaims a very interesting prophecy;
Amos 9:2 "Though they dig into hell, Thence shall mine hand take them; Though they climb up into heaven, Thence will I bring them down..."
Red Area: Neu-Schwabenland, Antarctica
In context these are a people as fugitives, fleeing God’s judgment. There is every reason to understand this as a literal prophecy and not some allegorical statement. "Why would anyone desire to dig into hell?", you might ask. If you believed some of the ideas of Koresh, Bulwer-Lytton and Blavatsky you would desire to dig into this area in search of allies. In the mindset of the Nazi’s Theosophical ideas, they believed themselves to be the diluted genetic strain of a subterranean super race, which held the power of Vril. Their goal was to form an alliance with their underground "brothers" obtain the knowledge of the Vril to form new super weapons and lead the World into a New Age for the Aryan. At the same time by the elimination of the other races they would regain their Psychic powers. They did act seriously upon these crazy sounding beliefs by securing a portion of the Antarctic, and perhaps attempted to "dig" into the earth in search of allies.
Soon after Hitler came into power the expedition and partitioning of an area of the Antarctic was claimed by the Nazi’s and renamed Neu-Schwabenland. Their enemies or their fellow countrymen never understood these actions and motivations. Throughout the war submarines continued bringing equipment, supplies and men to this area. Submarines that were captured in southern areas possibly in route to the Antarctic were reported to have as many as 50 people in them compared with what was normally an 8-10 person crew It has been speculated that an underground complex was built. From operation Redoubt, (The tunneling and placement of a huge underground complex in the Swiss Alps.) We do know the technology was there. From gleaning technology from captured Nazi equipment the United States developed our own Iron mountain complex. Hardly an overt desired action, to dig into hell, but by accident the end result may well have accomplished just that.
Part of Nazi ideology of Horbiger’s eternal ice theory claimed that the true Aryan peoples belonged in a much colder climate and would thrive there. Hitler ‘s goal was to section off a portion of land for an Aryan Empire. This empire was to be an example for the rest of the world to follow and desire. In keeping with these ideas, the Antarctic may well of been chosen for this purpose. They believed also that Thule the true Aryan capital was located from an entrance point somewhere in the North Pole. Believing that a reversal of polarity took place in our past, the Antarctic would now be the logical location and entrance to this mythical inner world.
Their leader was also someone who understood "dark sentences" as the Prophet Daniel writes in Dan 8:23 and would live, die and ascend out of the "bottomless pit" being the dead leader of a short lived seventh empire. Rev17:8-12. This pit I believe has already been opened and the results of abductions and "Aliens" are upon us. Rev9:1.
Subterranean Life! Allies? So just who is down there?
Life Underground?
This story gets just keeps getting stranger as we go along, yet the scriptures confirm such strangeness! Now let’s look at a commandment God told Israel to abide by.
Exodus20:4, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that IS IN THE WATER UNDER THE EARTH." Also: Rev 12:12..." Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea!...
Nazi Relatives? Cain’s Decedents!
If Nod is east of Eden and Eden is inside the earth...that means Nod is inside the earth too?
All of these scriptures present a serious implication of who the King’s of the East (mentioned in Rev 9:12) really are and their real identity and location.
Let’s take a look at the dialog between God and Cain right after he killed Able.
Gen4:11-16, "And now art thou cursed FROM the earth, which hath opened up her mouth to receive thy brothers blood from thy hand. When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be IN THE EARTH.
And Cain said unto the Lord, my punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me this day FROM THE FACE (surface) OF THE EARTH; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond IN THE EARTH; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me. And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven fold, and the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, EAST OF EDEN."
It is interesting to note that in the many translations of the Bible, only the older English versions the King James and the American Standard use the translation "in the earth". All of the more recent translations simply say "on the earth". A big liberty of translation placed upon God’s word because of the assumption that the earth is sold and therefore could not contain life inside. The only other translation I am aware of that agrees with the older versions is the Torah. This is the Old Testament translated into the English by the Jews themselves! Regardless of this compromise of interpretation, from prior scriptures the Bible clearly establishes that Eden or Paradise and Hell are two separate chambers inside the earth. With that firmly established, (at least according to the Bible itself) the only word that could be used in context is "IN" !
Cain was removed from the surface of the earth into a subterranean realm. He was given a " mark" that he would not be killed by others. This Hebrew word owth means an identifying mark in the sense of an agreement. When translated into the Greek, the word used is semion,in the sense of a supernatural sign of some type. This mark may be their size, for fear of being killed they might have been given height. The "Giants" of Gen 6 are stated that they were there when this hybridization of the earth took place and also after that. In the sentence structure of this context, the "Giants" may not be the name of the offspring; they are just there with the fallen angels as a part of what is going on before the flood. When Cain killed Abel it was in the "process of time" this actually means in the last days. This would be referring to a time just prior to the great flood. The soil not yielding her strength may not mean an agricultural problem, but rather a genetic defect of some type. Soil, seed land and fruit have always, in the scriptures been used to refer to the literal geographical elements, spiritual conditions or physical bloodline. Cain’s bloodline may be the seed of the serpent mentioned in Gen 3. Cain was a bad guy. The Bible says so.
I Jn 3:12 "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one,"
In context here this statement about Cain can mean more than the fact he was of the wicked one because he committed murder. It might also imply he was actually from the wicked one. It was in his blood. (In Two seeds I will cover more on that thought.)
The "Giant" lineage is traceable after the flood by the same Hebrew word used for Giant as the "sons of Anak. Certain tribes had this intermixing. These were the only ones of the Old Testament where God said to destroy completely. Only the Philistine lineage remained to contain this "seed" This was the same lineage Goliath came from, he was a big white guy with a bad attitude! The word Giant has another meaning as a tyrant or bully and can mean much more than physical stature. The Physical stature although is clearly defined in the OT. Num 13:33, Deu2:11, 20, 3:11,13 Jsh 12:4, 13:12,15:8,17:15 and18:16.
As strange as this all sounds the Bible stands true upon itself. The worldwide legends of "white" tribes and ascended "masters" may not be myth at all but the continual encounters with a race from within. The search by Hitler and the Nazi’s for blood relations from an inner earth may have a thread of truth. If Hitler came to his own to proclaim Satan’s seed, in the same but opposite pattern, it could mean that the modern day Philistines may be the Germanic lineage. Now not to condemn anyone by their race or national bloodline, I must say I am a Caucasian of Germanic descent and I love the Lord! God has made a provision for salvation that is no longer based on anything but faith. In Isaiah 14 there is a end time prophecy that indicates a genetic tampering involving the Philistines and a tribe used to punish them continually, this would be the tribe of Dan. This genetic tampering started with Nazi Germany and is continued in America. In the Two seeds booklet I address this whole issue extensively. In that booklet you will see a truly Amazing Grace.
The implication from Cain’s sentence is that there are human beings living in a subterranean realm! They are still a part of the rebel alliance. Cain’s decedents are mentioned only to six generations. If an inner earth has the same environment that the surface once had before the flood, human life spans would average 900 years. This being the case, we would be heading into the last generation period of Cain’s descendants!
Chuck Missler, in his book, "Alien Encounters" points out a very interesting hidden message encrypted within the scriptures. All names in the Bible have a second meaning. The Names within the linage of Seth from Adam to Noah spells out the entire plan of redemption! From these ten names a message reads out
" Man appointed mortal sorrow, The blessed God shall come down teaching. His death shall bring the despairing rest or comfort!"
What are the mathematical chances that this was coincidental? In the same way we can line up the names of the six-generation lineage of Cain. It reads out:
" Strike out to possess, disciplined fugitive, smitten of God, Who is of God, Powerful."
This is the description of Cain striking out at his brother to take what he felt was his, He was disciplined by being sentenced to be a fugitive in the earth, also "smitten or stricken with a defect but yet given power. Power ordained from God himself. It is recorded that Cain’s decedents were the first to raise animals for food, create the arts of music, the first to build cities and the first to work in metals making implements of war. Could the mythical power of the Vril be a part of this power? Could there be an element of truth to this weird myth? In the Abduction section we will also discuss this whole satanic resurrected alliance in process. For our purpose here just realize that the Bible does tell us of a Hollow Earth with Rebel Human Inhabitants.
Other inhabitants of an inner earth: Grey’s, (Fallen Angels) Demons and Human spirits of the Damned
Fallen Angels have been cast down to the earth:
There are as many worldwide myths of "the wee people", Fairy’s, and Elves all throughout history. Their images are recorded in cave drawings, on ancient pottery, even on a middle age stained glass window. These images show the same bulbous gray head with huge dark slanted eyes and a thin frame. Another booklet is devoted to these guys. For now it is only necessary to realize they have made their home in the inner earth also. Jesus, just before he was ready to go to the cross, told his disciples in John 12:31
"Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out".
Before the cross, Satan and his fallen Angels had access to the very throne of God in the eternal realm. (Job 1:6) There was a war going on in heaven at the same time Jesus hung on a cross. Jesus won they lost! A result of this loss is recorded in Revelation 12:7-10
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."
This text is pretty well defined by itself needing little commentary.
One order of Angelic being is called Seraphim. The root word from this angelic order is Saraph. In the Hindu Sanskrit language Saraph means a reptile. As part of the Angelic host this could be one of their physical forms. Jesus told his disciples after experiencing the victory of exorcising demons out of people,
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:19
As I have already shown the serpent may mean much more than a snake and has a lot more to do with describing the "Gray’s". The word for Scorpion has an unknown origin and that one is left wide open for discussion. In context we are talking about rebels, figuratively humans acting like these animals or simple terms for angelic creatures.
Two of the most common human-like entities reported seen by abductees are the reptilian Gray’s and the larger insect like leaders. More than just a coincidence, there is a literal connection between these two distinct types of "fallen angels" and the mention of serpents and scorpions. It is a matter of perception as this cannot conclusively be proven or disproved to be the case. The main point being is that these "fallen angels" have been cast into the earth. In the Greek it means literally on dry land amongst man.
Disembodied spirits:
There is another group, the "Angels that sinned" and their offspring, the mighty men of renown being part mortal and part immortal, they were placed into a ghostlike state with the ability to rise out of the pit in a "chain" of going up and then cast back down. (2Pe2:4, Jude1:6) These are the invisible spirits, that pretend to be ghosts, that speak to psychics and move an Ouija board to spell out messages.(1Th 4:1, 2Th 2:9, 2Co 11:14) They are all lying spirits of the New Age who create their own brand of salvation telling man he is his own god. In the Abduction booklet I explain this crossing over into the physical plane. God is allowing this resurrection to their destruction. There will be an invasion of these entities upon the surface. Right now they are getting ready. Part of this preparation is in the abduction of our own people for some more genetic tampering. In Revelation9:1 The pit is opened. If this "pit" has been opened, some people are being taken there without realizing it!
Departed Human spirits:
From the description given in the text in Luke 16, Jesus spoke of the two-chambered earth; the rich man died in unbelief of God and went into the earth in Hades. By this and many other scriptures mentioning the same thing we know the departed human souls who died in unbelief of the gospel went into an area of Hell, literally in the earth as well.
Modern Abductions are Subterranean not Extraterrestrial!
I believe most abduction cases are true. The problem is hypnotic regression. In the process it is hard to distinguish fact from imagination, or possible demonic input. As the subconscious is brought out to the forefront, the imagination is a part of this. But how can you tell one from the other? You can’t. From a Christian point of view, it is important to be in control of your own mind under hypnotic regression. Passive forms of "letting go" gives possible control of your mind to other entities...this process is forbidden in the Bible for our own safety. Hypnosis places you in a mental place of no control!
In the Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference held at MIT in 1992, the top Scientists, Doctors and Researchers in the field, scrutinized 300 abduction cases. Included was Nobel Peace prizewinner Dr. John E. Mack. These cases were selected because they had the most cognitive memories, witnesses and documentation. Out of the 300 cases 31 included the observation of a destination. The most familiar destination is into a mother ship. The abductees leave the small ship to find themselves in a "hanger" of a larger one. Some see an otherworldly environment. (But not the transition of leaving earth into space, or entering the alien world from space) Ten cases involve the actual transition but all of them go into a subterranean world. In some cases the ship dives under the sea, enters a cavern or a dark tunnel hewn out of rock. In all the cases they eventually see the otherworldly landscape. Two distinct types are seen; one the landscape is sparse with sickly vegetation, usually more like a desert, with signs of devastation. Typically it is dark or dim with a small reddish sun if any at all. A futuristic city may thrive in the midst. The second landscape is one of a bright but uniformly lit or diffused light, no sun, no horizon visible, with a lush, moist, heavily vegetated landscape also holding a futuristic city, but obviously subterranean.
Both scenes are explained by the captors, that their planet suffered some kind of disaster and have a problem with reproduction. This is why they take eggs and sperm from us. These same beings warn us that the same catastrophes are ahead for earth. Some experience a religious or mystical ceremony underscoring the preciousness of life.
Transportation time between earth and the other world is negligible. In spite of this evidence, these researchers insist on believing that these journeys are extraterrestrial. Evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the fact that if true, they are never seen leaving or entering another world from space, they are always in a dark or subterranean other-world, yet the travel time is a matter of a couple of hours. It never crosses the minds of these educated people that maybe the craft aren’t leaving the earth at all but rather going down into the earth. Of course this is not even considered, because science proclaims that the earth isn’t hollow! So they go to another world that is hollow. If these stories hold any truth, as I believe they do, they are going to Hell in Sheol or Nod, not another planet! This then would mean that the pit has been opened and Rev 9 is already upon us. I believe the integrity of this conference was very well done. Their own results support an inner earth destination and origin and not the E.T. agenda most want to believe.
No other Name!
In their objectivity they have also included the fact that abductions have been stopped in progress when the person has used the name of JESUS! Also the use of singing Christian hymns or reciting scripture has been effective in stopping an abduction. As real as I believe abductions are this is a clear indication that this is a spiritual problem as well as a physical one.
This factual experience would also concur with what the Bible says, in Phil 2:9-11
"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
Conclusion of the Matter:
My dear reader, in the days to come there is an importance to realize this Biblical truth. The Bible is far more than mere myth and childish stories. It is the entire Cosmology and History of mankind from beginning to the end. By re-examining the scriptures from it’s original languages in light of 21st century knowledge, obscure passages come alive and speak in today’s terms.
I hope I have shown that the Bible teaches that there is a hollow earth. Just what the particular physics are is not mentioned beyond holes at the poles. A circular cave system throughout the earth to "protect" or seal off the inner chamber is alluded to in Job41:15.
The logic and understanding of subterranean life and spirit beings existing in a hollow earth makes sense as you add up the myths and legends in contrast to what the Bible actually has to say . You cannot discount the many accounts from abductees or the suspicious actions of governments, which hint of conspiracy.
Also, a special warning to the many believers in a Hollow Earth and others who have a wide variety of beliefs that include a hopeful expectation of "friendly" inner beings ready to "enlighten" us surface dwellers. Nowhere in the scriptures will you find any suggestion or hint that anything in the Earth at this present time since the resurrection of Christ is good! There are only rebels of the one true God who live there or escaped there. They have no good intention toward mankind; they have their own agenda. Part of this agenda is a prophesied invasion of the surface. You can understand this more clearly in the booklet on Abductions or Why Roswell. If you will not believe the truths in the Bible as coming from a Loving God, this Rebel Alliance from within the Earth will deceive you! You will be deceived by this Rebel Alliance from within the Earth! Their home is what we know and call Hell! THE EARTH IS HOLLOW! Hell is real!
1. Alien Encounters by Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman1997Koinonia House Pub pg 212, 274, 332,333 - post flood reappearance of "Giants" pg 213, 240,241- difference of disembodied spirits and fallen Angels pg336 - implications of post flood "Giants"
2. The Omega Conspiracy by I.D.E. Thomas Hearthstone Pub. U.K. 1986 pg 119 - offspring of fallen angels and human sentenced as disembodied spirits in "pit". Pg 140-142 - Jesus’s decent into earth and encounter with spirits in the earth. Pg 152-156 - Giant’s return after flood and linage traces
3. Arktos The Myth of the Pole in Science, Symbolism, and Nazi Survival by Joscelyn Godwin Adventure Unlimited Press 1996 pg 86 - invasion from inner earth pg 113 - H.M. Howell Eden inside the earth pg 115-117 Koresh’s ideas and angelic visitation pg 135- Blavatsky’s Polar description accepted and understood by Hitler pg 136 - Pole reversal making "pit" place of prominence
4. The Occult Roots of Nazism: by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke 1985-1992 University Press NY. Pg 19-22 Blavatsk and Secret Doctrine
5. The Mourning of the Magicians: by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier 1960-1991 Scarborough House Pub. Pg 147 - Vril Society and "The Coming Race" pg 154-157 - Hans Horbiger and doctrine of fire and ice pg 172 - Hitler’s quote on Globalism and the elite people who shall lead it pg 203 - Hitler’s quote about the god-men as an object of worship
6. Man Made UFO’s 1944-1999 by Renato Vesco and David Hatcher ChilderessAdventure Press 1994 pg 6 of Intro - German Antarctic expedition pg7 of intro - Admiral Byrd’s Antarctic expedition
7. The Occult Connection: UFO’s Secret Societies and Ancient Gods:by Ken Rundall Omega Foundation 1990 pg 196,197 - Vril power, Hollow earth Hitler’s desire to make contact pg 201 Appendix - Admiral Byrd’s "lost diary" pg 201- Missing Scientist’s Antarctic refuge
8. The Occult Conspiracy: by Michael Howard 1989 Destiny Books| pg 107 - background of Bulwer-Lytton pg 109 - " The Coming Race" influence on Hitler pg 129 - Agarthi as underground kingdom wroiting of "Secret Doctrine"
9. The God’s of Eden by William Bramley Avon Books 1990 N.Y. Pg 384 - Himmler’s vision of SS Nation envy of the world. Pg 388 - Nazi belief in Aryan "superman" that existed underground.
10. The Genesis Record by Henry M. Morris 1976 Baker Books pgs 142-145 - The pre-flood world
11. Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible Edited by Spiros Zodhiates THD AMG Pub. 1984,1991|reference section Pg 1651 - Comment on word "visited" of Isa 26
12. The Book Of Enoch Translated by Richard Laurence LLD 1821 Artisan Sales 1980 Chapter 18:1-7 quote about gravity
13. Alien Discussions (Proceedings of the Abduction Study Conference held at M.I.T. Cambridge, Ma 1992) by Andrea and David Pritchard, John E. Mack, Pam Kasey, Claudia Yapp: Editors North Cambridge Press 1994 pg 73,74 - transitions and destinations as viewed by captives pg 235,236 - Identification with Jesus stopped abductions
14. The Lost World of Agharti The mystery of Vril Power by Alec Maclellan 1982,1996Souvenir Press
pg 25 - integral part of Buddhist beliefs are Agharti, the subterranean World of which Buddhism is the philosophy of pg29-33 - various myths and legends of inner realm pg 102 - Hitler’s influence by " The Coming Race" pg 104 - Buddhist inner earth belief and influence on Hitler pg 109 - Nazi’s import Lamas to Germany, declare the knowledge of inner earth opening pgs 118-121, 137,139, - various myths of South American "white tribes that live in caves pg 160 - Shawnees belief of prior "white" tribe existing in Florida before they did pg 227,228 Quote and Prophecy from "King of the World" as given to Ossendowski from Tibetan Lama
15. The Hollow Earth Enigma by Alec Maclellan 1999 Souvenir Press U.K. Pg 32,33 - various myths of inner origins of man pg 35 - Halley’s work on Hollow Earth pg 90 - Hitler’s attitude about truth in Myths pg 106 - Admiral Byrd’s flights, 1929 movie pg 108-110 - Admiral Byrd’s "lost diary" pg 113 - Last diary entry of Byrd’s before death |
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